
Why Are We Losing Our Humanity?

I had major insights overnight.  The mind is amazing the way it just works on problems.  I often find in the morning I see more.

What has come into view very clearly is technology and the fact it dehumanises us.  I’ll start this blog with an insight into myself as that is… Continue reading

Letter to Mark Zuckerberg re: Facebook Posts Requesting Open Democracy!

This blog is to Mark Zuckerberg.

I had my ability to post on Facebook Susan Lily Carew frozen so I could not post to friends and the public.  I speculate it is because of two posts which I have published here  Today I have posted twice on another Facebook page my… Continue reading

Mother Do You Think they’ll Drop the Bomb?

Another powerful song of Pink Flloyd.  Should you build the wall and keep everyone out? Are you just another brick in the social wall?

Pink Flloyd were a social voice of our time seeing through the walls that divide us.  Revealing our fears and questioning the world we are creating.  This is… Continue reading

Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility

I felt inspired to write about the future from the future looking back.  The wonder of poetry I can time travel in my heart envisaging REAL HOPE


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility


I am in the future looking back,

Full Spectrum Dominance was barely… Continue reading

Looking for High EQ in Whites in-Equality

I have just happened across this video below and smile as I hear the virbration of racism and prejudice masked by reasonable discourse. Interesting the organisation is American Renaissance and he visited South Africa a country that has reflected apartheid (as do other countries, mine included in respect of Indigenous people). He makes reference to… Continue reading

Resurfacing Human Rights and Democracy in Question Time




We live in a world of unfinished business,

For thinking can compartmentalise into boxes,

A Chi square theorem,

Investigating whether normal distributions vary,

To discover values are the goodness of fit test,

Summing the differences observed,

As consistency is the sine wave of good governance.

 … Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

