
Clarion Call to Humanity

I felt to write this poem yesterday sitting in a shopping centre. I had no idea what I was going to write but just follow a thread.  It is a recurring thread.  I don’t censor myself I tend to just write what I feel.  I don’t allow the intellect to get in… Continue reading

Does Google Facebook Dictate What People Think?

What do you think or feel?  Interesting debate discussing what pops up on your iPhone or computer.  Are we being listened in on.  Is Silicon Valley controlling information? Are we moving towards an Orwellian surveillance global order?

Are you right am I wrong?  Am I right and you wrong?  What… Continue reading

Why Are We Losing Our Humanity?

I had major insights overnight.  The mind is amazing the way it just works on problems.  I often find in the morning I see more.

What has come into view very clearly is technology and the fact it dehumanises us.  I’ll start this blog with an insight into myself as that is… Continue reading

Bronte Capital: John Hampton Blog

This gentleman spoke in the film Dirty Money in the previous blog, the game of money making is a gamble. They speak of selling short, I assume that is making money when prices fall. It is a foreign world to me. I can’t think of anything more uninspiring then reading about companies.  Yet this… Continue reading

Capitalism is not Sustainable Development

I felt inspired to write this as I deeply explore the reality on the ground.  Capitalism is not democracy but it may use the narrative of a democratic discourse to give the appearance that people have a say when I am experiencing clearly they do not.  As I was walking today I could… Continue reading

What is Capitalism, Democracy and Freedom?

I just had  thought – capitalism is riding on the goodwill of democracy. They are not one in the same. Now I understand why I was confused, even though the obvious was there and I knew the structures were autocratic, I still believed that others believed in democracy.  I was wrong in some… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

