
Clarion Call to Humanity

I felt to write this poem yesterday sitting in a shopping centre. I had no idea what I was going to write but just follow a thread.  It is a recurring thread.  I don’t censor myself I tend to just write what I feel.  I don’t allow the intellect to get in… Continue reading

The Middle East Wars Are About Oil

It is important to understand the root cause of wars if the veterans and civilians are to be truly served.

The key question is – are they defending their country or defending energy interests?

Is this public service or serving industry?

Is there an alternative to oil?   Nicola Tesla invented free energy, why… Continue reading

A Tree Kangaroo Another Secret of Nature

Did you know there are tree kangaroos, I saw one once at the Daintree National Park here in Australia.  What a beautiful world we live in.  Yet we become so distracted with events we literally cannot see the trees (nature) for the wood (resources).  When you see the trees you will forget… Continue reading

The Environment between Australia and Israel

Is Australia Sleepwalking into Crisis?

An interesting quote from the article below:

After the stock market collapse earlier this month, former federal government economics adviser John Adams, said we were staring at a coming “apocalypse”.   Debt and record low interest rates, he warned makes us vulnerable and Australians “should be concerned about what lies ahead”.

It appears the tax… Continue reading

Why is the Australian Government Still Coal Burning Given Super Climatic Events?

The climate (politically and climaticly) is changing. When will people in authority realise the reality of change. It does not make economic sense to ignore change in favour of the economics of industry. If places are wiped out climaticly by super storms, earthquakes, ice melts (perma frost) etc. Does it not make sense that economically… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”

