
Sri Lanka’s 911

I have inspired to write that title. As all roads lead back to this original conflict.  I have spent some time typing as I felt moved to not just write a few words and move on.  I have cold feet, hands and just kept writing what I felt.  I can’t know the… Continue reading

A 6 Trillion+ Endless War Footing Marching over Civil Liberties, Human Rights and the Rule of Law

I send love to the more than 500,000 people who have been killed as a result of friendly fire, collateral damage.  I send love and peace to the families who never get over their loss.  Endless war is the footing that never stops marching as each step means profit.  To profit from… Continue reading

A Syrian Young Man Asks Bombs or Books?

This is a TEDx talk by Hasan Al- Akraa.  He saw fire balls flying over his house hitting the village next to us he says.  He indicates they realised they were bombs.  He tries to make people imagine how you would feel if bombs flying over your head.  He speaks… Continue reading

Exit Afghanistan and Learn Peace for the Common Good of Humanity

I have been watching Netflix and found this one.  There is a second documentary below.

The Afghan people did not want foreigners in their country at all.  I noted the American comment indicating they were invited by most Afghans.  I will add they do not want to be refugees either and live… Continue reading

United Nations: War’s Impact on the Disabled

This article by the United Nations reminds our world community of the ordinary people caught up in war who already have challenges in regular life.

Did you know:

“…An estimated 9.7 million people with disabilities are forcibly displaced as a result of conflict and persecution and are victims of human rights violations and conflict-related violence…”… Continue reading

The Israeli Lobby in the US

This is a powerful quote from my blog post below my video interview with a Holocaust survivor.

…Among the themes that the quotations superbly amplify are: the Jewish mandates to be a “light onto the nations” and to work for tikkun olam (the healing, repair, and perfecting of the world); the mitzvot to pursue justice… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“My life is my message.”

