Sri Lanka’s 911
I have inspired to write that title. As all roads lead back to this original conflict. I have spent some time typing as I felt moved to not just write a few words and move on. I have cold feet, hands and just kept writing what I felt. I can’t know the… Continue reading
United Nations: War’s Impact on the Disabled
This article by the United Nations reminds our world community of the ordinary people caught up in war who already have challenges in regular life.
Did you know:
“…An estimated 9.7 million people with disabilities are forcibly displaced as a result of conflict and persecution and are victims of human rights violations and conflict-related violence…”… Continue reading
Home-less-ness is about Conflict not Love
In this article below it states it is about relationship and conflict, I state underlying conflict as the root cause. I see home-less-ness in truth reflects social breakdown and in particular, breakdown of the family support systems. It is in the erroneous perceptions of homelessness that people become judged and isolated rather than… Continue reading
What are the Invictus Games?
Does sport heal the wounds of violent conflict or is it distraction?
Are Veterans helped outside of these events?
I met a Vietnam Veteran who told me he had killed a young girl. I saw his trauma and recommended he look at the Work of Byron Katie to release him from his trauma. This… Continue reading
Corporate Welfare in Australia
Robert Reich’s film inspired an investigation into corporate welfare and the inequality and resentment it creates.
I am not lost on the propaganda of the ‘welfare bludger’ and the demonisation of those who take welfare but are viewed as ‘needy’, ‘not self reliant’, or draining public money. It is easy to demonise the vulnerable when… Continue reading