
Circling Tiananmen Square Chinese Warships Arrive in Australia

When I watched the documentary I reflected on the rise of totalitarianism here in Australia.  I felt a similar feeling of truth speaking, community unity, loving my country and so on, as all people’s around the world do when confronted with oppression, pressured standards of living and a hunger for change. 

In the… Continue reading

Toxic Forces Behind Poverty

60 Minutes: Julie Bishop Speaking out About Politics

I have sat in the Australian Federal Parliament and I haven’t been impressed.  I am a trainer in anti-bullying and I was concerned at the bullying I saw that hides behind Parliamentary Privilege.  I remember looking around the room and wondering what the children thought of the performance.  What struck me was… Continue reading

How Dark Money Can Elect Politician’s and Shape USA

The same questions asked by the US Congresswoman apply to Australia given the powerful influence of US interests here and the fact Australia is trending to follow the US model.

I found this Congresswoman by chance when I noticed a misogynist and ageism response to her speech, it inspired me to investigate her.  I… Continue reading

Senator Fannings Speech: Full Transcript

The comments below are interesting.  Should religion and Government be separated?  Refer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state

For myself, there is no-one unacceptable in my world.  I see fear responding with separation and anger.  I see love responding with acceptance and understanding.  I learned he is a Christian, clearly he forgot that Jesus promoted… Continue reading

The Israeli Lobby in the US

This is a powerful quote from my blog post below my video interview with a Holocaust survivor.

…Among the themes that the quotations superbly amplify are: the Jewish mandates to be a “light onto the nations” and to work for tikkun olam (the healing, repair, and perfecting of the world); the mitzvot to pursue justice… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”

