
It is the Truth That Sets All Free

I remember being on a tram in Melbourne after  my world trip.  I still remember exactly where on the ride I was.  I felt the truth as alive. Not a concept.

Another experience I had, again I know exactly where I was in the late 1990s.  I felt all was ONE.… Continue reading

How Dark Money Can Elect Politician’s and Shape USA

The same questions asked by the US Congresswoman apply to Australia given the powerful influence of US interests here and the fact Australia is trending to follow the US model.

I found this Congresswoman by chance when I noticed a misogynist and ageism response to her speech, it inspired me to investigate her.  I… Continue reading

How to Discern Propaganda from the Truth in Syria

It is estimated that 500,000 people have been killed in Syria.

It has come to my attention by synchronicity (which is normal for me) the situation of the White Hats in Syria, whereby some view them as heroes others engaged in propaganda.  The cyber world we are means footage can be doctored, events staged,… Continue reading

Byron Katie: It is Never the Other Person – Wow

Byron Katie is an awakening. Is that true?  No.  We are the awakening that is Byron Katie.  It is the end of negativity.

I yelled at my mother the other day as I felt her judge me.  Yet in truth I judged myself then projected.  What I loved about my… Continue reading

What Causes Anxiety? Go to Stillness

Anxiety can turn into panic attacks.  It is when fear really strikes you as you feel frightened or threatened.  Thoughts are the creators of fear and anxiety.  So rather than take a pill question your thoughts.


Lincoln’s Message is Equality Before the Law for All Ends Servitude

It is interesting where I am staying I keep passing Lincoln Street.  It keeps me focusing on Lincoln who was indeed a messenger not only to Americans but the world.  I feel him deeply.  I cried in this film as I saw his goodness against many nay sayers who put a negotiated… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

