
Circling Tiananmen Square Chinese Warships Arrive in Australia

When I watched the documentary I reflected on the rise of totalitarianism here in Australia.  I felt a similar feeling of truth speaking, community unity, loving my country and so on, as all people’s around the world do when confronted with oppression, pressured standards of living and a hunger for change. 

In the… Continue reading

Why Are We Losing Our Humanity?

I had major insights overnight.  The mind is amazing the way it just works on problems.  I often find in the morning I see more.

What has come into view very clearly is technology and the fact it dehumanises us.  I’ll start this blog with an insight into myself as that is… Continue reading

What Would Gandhi think of Indian Government Targeting Human Rights Groups

Human Rights is a key issue of our time as protections are nravelled in pursuit of profit without accountability and violations without legal recourse.  This is symptomatic of a dictatorial or totalitarian disposition made visible.

I found this Amnesty India article below, interesting.  Amnesty are defenders of human rights.  I know of… Continue reading

The Parliamentary Equilateral Triangle Ascends Beyond Plato and Aristotle to Discover the Law of ONE

The Parliamentary Equilateral Triangle Ascends Beyond Plato and Aristotle
to Discover the Law of ONE


What is corruption?

Cor’rupt’ion ‘phthora’,

A rupture in the body politic?

A standard deviation from the error of the estimate

of minimum standards,

Where the ends justifies the means.


The usher of the Black Rod stands at West… Continue reading

Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and the Law of Nonviolence

My inner feeling is that Gandhi made non-violence more important than his life, moral arguments, pressure and compassion for those to face the death penalty. For Gandhi God is Truth and Truth is God and Non-Violence is to not do harm to another in thought, word or deed.  The young men were advocating for… Continue reading

Bowling for Florida to Ban Guns and Question Violence!!

Bowling for Florida to Ban Guns and Question Violence!!

Published Wednesday, 21st February, 2018 | By Susan AKA Peacefull | Edit

When I studied Peace Studies at La Trobe University, I recall Dr. Tom Weber speaking about guns.  We discussed if the gun is the problem? Is it an object? Is it us that… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“My life is my message.”

