Clooney Foundation and Justice of the Peace
This is a TrailWatch Conference launch. I saw QC Geoffrey Robinson in the audience a famous Australian Queens Counsel who was well know through the program “Hypothetical” on ABC many years ago. I thought of Julian Assange as I know Geoffrey’s daughter was representing him. Refer
When I was in court I… Continue reading
The Parliamentary Equilateral Triangle Ascends Beyond Plato and Aristotle to Discover the Law of ONE
The Parliamentary Equilateral Triangle Ascends Beyond Plato and Aristotle
to Discover the Law of ONE
What is corruption?
Cor’rupt’ion ‘phthora’,
A rupture in the body politic?
A standard deviation from the error of the estimate
of minimum standards,
Where the ends justifies the means.
The usher of the Black Rod stands at West… Continue reading
Human Rights Lawyers Resurrect My Belief in Law as Justice
I am not impressed by other lawyers I’ve seen in action who set aside their values to serve those who are only interested in self interest. I am interested in lawyers who stand out in the crowd, who actually care about Justice. They will win my heart every time. I ask lawyers to… Continue reading