
Is Your Money Clean or Funding Negative Externalities?

You have the power to vote with money.  You can choose to spend or not spend on the basis of where that money is going.  You are sending a signal when you purchase items or direct money.  Is your money going to fund violence, destruction of the environment, surveillance, over consumption or… Continue reading

The Elders, Climate Crisis and the Long Walk to Freedom

I think many feel to act now as it is urgent.  We have to work together for a future that benefits everyone.  We have to learn how to live on this planet (not go off and colonise other planets) but face the problems we have collectively created and CHANGE what doesn’t work. … Continue reading

The Big Picture Is Life Affirming Freedom’s Song


The melting pot,

Is a concoction of diversity that is breath taking,

Life making,

Life taking,

Where all of life gives and takes,

In a sacred dance of cycles,

Circling the earth charter,

That has no contract,

Just charting courses, migrations, gulf streams,

From flood to drought,

Earthquake to tsunami,

Blizzard to hurricanes,

Tornado… Continue reading

Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility

I felt inspired to write about the future from the future looking back.  The wonder of poetry I can time travel in my heart envisaging REAL HOPE


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility


I am in the future looking back,

Full Spectrum Dominance was barely… Continue reading

Is Life about Education (shaping) or Life (evolving)?

Key ideas that will facilitate the young to be ready for a re-new-able future:

  • The key to a global shift of consciousness lies with the young. If the education of the young includes life principles, humanity can make a quantum leap forward in its evolution.
  • Build schools around concepts not academic subjects e.g. awareness, honesty,… Continue reading

A Civil Manifesto for Social Policy and Sustainable Prosperity

This poetry was written at 4am and then sent to politicians in Canberra, Australia.

I would like to see a renewable future that is based on fairness, equality, responsibility and with a strong awareness of the next generation. We have to change GDP to reflect ecological costs as the real value of productivity.  If… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

