
Moves to Amend The US Constitution Re: Corporate Corruption

This is very interesting.

The goal is to end the influence of corporations and special interests in government.  It is essentially about reclaiming democracy.  I just felt … Awaken the Fool.

I am sure there will be arguments about the rights of philanthropy as a freedom to help who they want.  They… Continue reading

Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility

I felt inspired to write about the future from the future looking back.  The wonder of poetry I can time travel in my heart envisaging REAL HOPE


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility


I am in the future looking back,

Full Spectrum Dominance was barely… Continue reading

Stanford University: Deliberating on Democracy

This is critical at this time.  It is so important that democracy is a lived reality.  I am curious what would the people say if they really had a voice and were informed.  Could be exciting.  I doubt in Australia if anyone in the public would have been concerned about refugees… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

