
NZ Wellbeing Budget Gets Priorities Right

I was excited to learn of this.  Prime Minister Jacinta Arhern is a light in this world who is brings REAL HOPE to many, not just New Zealanders. 

I walked to the Australian Parliament with a sign  ‘Homeless Don’t Vote” as they have no representation, no MP, no Minister and this society… Continue reading

Calculating Heart Math = Well Being

The highest intelligence resides in allowing the heart to receive nature.  Nature is love and love is nature. For it is our nature to love each other.  It is not natural to harm each other.


Live Life with Heart

Add Heart

Experience… Continue reading

Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility

I felt inspired to write about the future from the future looking back.  The wonder of poetry I can time travel in my heart envisaging REAL HOPE


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility


I am in the future looking back,

Full Spectrum Dominance was barely… Continue reading

Re-Membering Unity As Solar Power

This poem is written as a meditation re-membering unity across the world in a global meditation focusing on unity consciousness.  We move through the portal of greater awareness to re-member we are ONE with all.  There is no movement only stillness in recognition of what is so. There is no revolution, there is… Continue reading

Wake Up to A Re-New-Able World

We get so caught up in work, life and the drama’s played out on television. Yet ultimately we are all responsible for the shape of the world.  It is to stop and really contemplate our own actions and how they impact on life on earth and for the future of our species and all… Continue reading

Do You Want Power?


The Tao of Power

The Tao Te Ching explores a remarkable power that is latent in every individual. This power, that Lao Tzu calls Te, emerges when one is aware of and aligned with the forces in nature (Tao). It is essential to Lao Tzu’s system that we understand why and how reality… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”

