
Human Rights: International Covenant on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights

This animation is discussing the case of a child from a lower socio economic group within the United States.  She was unable to be educated as her family couldn’t afford to send her to a school.  Given her country was a signatory to the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Economic, Cultural… Continue reading

Nationalism and/or Unity in India? What is the Peace that Passeth all Understanding?

I just discovered this academic on YouTube.  I don’t know anything about him but was noticing his energy in arguing and defending. I will not find out about him as I wish to present this in a neutral perspective, I have no vested interest.  I am listening to see if a person will… Continue reading

Human Rights Law Centre We Must Stand Together

This message is not only about politics, it is about any person or organisation that models disrespect, inequality, indifference and control.  That is the essence of the message from the Human Rights Law Centre.  This message is to lawyers who speak of fairness but do not live it.  Lawyers do not have… Continue reading

The Meek Inherit the New Earth



I close my eyes,

I cast my drift net around the world,

For there are schools of thought,


Rules imposed,


Democracy is caught up in a coral reef,

Bleached by a crown of thorns,

As many are sacrificing to comply,

As… Continue reading

Unity in a Diverse World

I send love and peace to all those engaged in activities that divide or harm others.  For it is in love and true peace that we are rendered harmless.  I understand the world is configured on the basis of historical trends, socialised learning, unquestioned beliefs that bring a sense of security and patterns… Continue reading

Intelligence in Defense of Disrupting the Status Quo of UFOs

I found out about To the Stars Academy an eminant group of CIA, Department of Defense and other experts dedicated to revolutionising the human experience. I found out this group are connected with Jim Channon who the film Men that Stare at Goats represented. He is a military man, visionary who pioneered New Age approaches… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

