The ABC is the Public Voice – why silence us?
I no longer listen to narratives justifying cuts or why the ABC should be silenced. I remember the footage smuggled out of the Liberal national conference where they all voted to get rid of the ABC. I, for one, vote for the public voice, which is deeply embodied in the ABC.
QandA would never have… Continue reading
ABC Australia D-Day on Press Freedom in the Public Interest
The core question: is Australia democratic now?
I wish to start this with Edward Snowden in his interview with Guardian. Selected para phrases as follows:
What made him leave everything behind and become a whistle blower… He believed the outcome of his disclosures nothing would change, he knows the lengths the government will go… Continue reading
Do You Want to Break Free?
Freedom, some fight for it, some dream of it but in truth what if I was to say you already are free but simply don’t know it.
The inspiring Queen.
John F Kennedy Warns of Secrecy, Covert Operations and an Informed Public
I feel his words are relevant today with the surveillance community and the IT revolution of Smart Cities which has the potential to know the private lives of citizens. He speaks of restraints but I wonder are they in the shape of other nations or corporations? It seems to me the same issues… Continue reading
The Big Picture Is Life Affirming Freedom’s Song
The melting pot,
Is a concoction of diversity that is breath taking,
Life making,
Life taking,
Where all of life gives and takes,
In a sacred dance of cycles,
Circling the earth charter,
That has no contract,
Just charting courses, migrations, gulf streams,
From flood to drought,
Earthquake to tsunami,
Blizzard to hurricanes,
Tornado… Continue reading
Can Freedom of Speech Be Blocked on Facebook by the CIA?
It seems I am unable to post in Facebook? That is democracy for you. There is no explanation just the post bar is deactivated. I noticed I couldn’t get into my other Facebook’s. Now it is not because I am popular (2 shares woo hoo). It is because the content raises awareness about illegality and… Continue reading