A Critique of UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg Appointed by Facebook
This article clearly asserts that Facebook is not democratic. I’ve had my own posts blogged as clearly they were seen as contentious. Yet the source I posted was credible – ex CIA whistleblower and in the public interest. My other Facebook pages were blocked as well which I found interesting. They didn’t speak… Continue reading
Electing Freedom of Speech OK
A subject close to my heart. This poem I was inspired to write when Assange was arrested. May truth, visibility, freedom of speech be held in the light.
Electing Freedom of Speech OK
It is a new moon,
On the crest of great change,
Freedom of speech is on trial again,… Continue reading
George Soros Asserts Facebook Smear Campaign
Conflict Resolution Network:
My poem ‘Respect’:https://wpas.worldpeacefull.com/2016/11/only-respect-is-real/
Hate crimes:
And one more for the road: I just saw this and posted on Facebook. It reiterates the same issues I posted on Facebook after this blog was posted. I wrote it on
The key reflections for both parties in this dispute are… Continue reading
John F Kennedy Warns of Secrecy, Covert Operations and an Informed Public
I feel his words are relevant today with the surveillance community and the IT revolution of Smart Cities which has the potential to know the private lives of citizens. He speaks of restraints but I wonder are they in the shape of other nations or corporations? It seems to me the same issues… Continue reading