David Icke

Does Google Facebook Dictate What People Think?

What do you think or feel?  Interesting debate discussing what pops up on your iPhone or computer.  Are we being listened in on.  Is Silicon Valley controlling information? Are we moving towards an Orwellian surveillance global order?

Are you right am I wrong?  Am I right and you wrong?  What… Continue reading

David Icke’s Freedom of Speech Banned from Australia and SMART Grid

Firstly, I have posted a video interview.  Make up your own mind, should he be band or not? Have a look at a range of views.  He is banned from a country by a  government that indicates it is democratic and honours freedom of speech.  It raises questions about those who… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”

