civil society

Universities and Lawyers Setting Up Abuse Victims in Australia

A notable quote from below:

“…Fellow student and established psychologist Luciana Cruz and I fought Bond University for a year.  We submitted complaints to every relevant organisation including the Australian Human Rights Commission.  The AHRC upheld my complaint of disability discrimination and harassment and sexual harassment throughout their entire process.  But the… Continue reading

Michael Jackson, Pedophilia, Objectification and Power

This  article below speaks of the revelations about Michael Jackson molesting young boys at his Neverland ranch, particularly the testimony of Australian Wade Robson who had previously testified he hadn’t been molested.  The truth has come out it is clear that Wade wasn’t able to speak the truth when Michael was alive, as… Continue reading

Julian Assange to be Arrested in the UK? May the Force be With Him?

My feeling about this case is ‘the public interest’.  My next feeling is how many computers have the US, UK, Australia, Canada and all 193 countries of the world hacked into?  How many illegal activities have they undertaken under the veil of goverance and national interest? How is it permissible for intelligence communities… Continue reading

Is Cybersecurity in the Public Interest?


I asked an intelligence officer in Bangkok ‘is the public the enemy?’.  I then filmed him for a documentary I was going to make.  He was very uncomfortable with my questioniong of him and my filming of him.  He asked who I was?  I said a peace clown.  I… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

