
The ABC is the Public Voice – why silence us?

I no longer listen to narratives justifying cuts or why the ABC should be silenced.  I remember the footage smuggled out of the Liberal national conference where they all voted to get rid of the ABC.  I, for one, vote for the public voice, which is deeply embodied in the ABC. 

QandA would never have… Continue reading

Perspectives on JFK Conspiracy Theory or Truth?

In the public interest.

I feel the spirit of JFK in this moment.  Below Shakespeare is mentioned, in the spirit of Shakespeare I will add my poem.

Shakespearean Fools Love Without Abandon

I found this article and copied an excerpt. Imagine the trauma Jackie felt watch the man she loved, murdered. Is this democracy… Continue reading

ABC Australia D-Day on Press Freedom in the Public Interest

The core question:  is Australia democratic now?

I wish to start this with Edward Snowden in his interview with Guardian. Selected para phrases as follows:

What made him leave everything behind and become a whistle blower… He believed the outcome of his disclosures nothing would change, he knows the lengths the government will go… Continue reading

Murdoch the Fox Finds his Weapons – Part 3

The wheeling and dealing, the prejudices, the shaping of attitudes, where is the truth it get’s lost in the drama of wanting to win the next deal, the next venture, the next mountain to conquer.  Such is the endless mantra of ‘not enough’. Importantly is the theme of the White Australia policy a throw… Continue reading

Murdoch Empire, Internal Divisions, Silicon Valley and Change – Part 2

This excerpt caught my eye and reveals how embedded Liberal politics in Australia is with Rupert Murdoch. He is indeed a King maker.

This series is by the New York Times, an excellent study of Rupert Murdoch’s life.

“…With the acquisition of Sky News Australia, Lachlan would have a second chance. The Murdochs won full… Continue reading

Is Murdoch Seeking a Utopia for Realists? Part 1

The New York Times have written an extensive piece on Rupert Murdoch.  The title I’ve created is about freedom for those in power and bondage for the rest of us.  I see this as control of thoughts, ideas and politics for personal gain.  It is the news of the world in one… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”

