Who am I

The ABC is the Public Voice – why silence us?

I no longer listen to narratives justifying cuts or why the ABC should be silenced.  I remember the footage smuggled out of the Liberal national conference where they all voted to get rid of the ABC.  I, for one, vote for the public voice, which is deeply embodied in the ABC. 

QandA would never have… Continue reading

Life is Metamorphosis Who Will You Become?

I see the fragility of the human condition and fear shape changing what we see.

Nakedness is the vulnerability.

Where focus goes energy flows.  What do you focus on?

Be still – who are you?

What do you truly desire?

Can you feel infinite possibilities?

The truth sets you free, literally.

So shine on… Continue reading

Disturbing the Peace for Prosperity or Democracy? What is true?

Disturbing the Peace for Prosperity or Democracy?


This is a poem for the masters,

Of manipulation,

Pulling the levers of emotion,

For outcomes,

For incomes,

Who use division,

Who use hate,

To divide and conquer.


A revelation comes to me on waking,

For I am waking up to the manipulation

of the people,… Continue reading

This Song is How Many People Feel!

This song reflects how we move away from our true nature.  My Aunty used to think at night about the state of the world. Like many she found it heavy.  We didn’t have that much to do with each other but she and I were alike and I did feel resonance with her… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

