
The ABC is the Public Voice – why silence us?

I no longer listen to narratives justifying cuts or why the ABC should be silenced.  I remember the footage smuggled out of the Liberal national conference where they all voted to get rid of the ABC.  I, for one, vote for the public voice, which is deeply embodied in the ABC. 

QandA would never have… Continue reading

Gandhi Contemporary Dharmadhikari Dies at 92



Justice Dr. C.S. Dharmadhikari


Justice Dr. Chandrashekhar S. Dharmadhikari, Chairman of the Gandhi Research Foundation, passed away at 1.30 am on 3rd January at the age of 92. As an Indian Independence movement activist and a Gandhian thinker, Dr. Dharmadhikari represented the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi for more than seven decades.

When Dada… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”

