Leighton Name Change, CIMIC, Ethics and Takeover Rings
Should companies be allowed to change their names to rebadge themselves when confronted with corruption allegation?
Interestingly, CIMIC was formed by an Englishman Leighton in Australia yet it is a Spanish governed multinational company. This is where it gets confusing. Obvious questions arise in respect of name change as another form of deception.
Halliburton in Defence of Privatisation to Profit from War as Reconstructing Peace
This article is from the New Yorker. It is extensive and provides insights into how private interests, influence, energy and profit incentives profit from war under the guise of reconstruction and peace.
Advance Australia not Fair but by Force as Arms Trading Extending Violence not Peace
This is how Australia loses its innocence. All the rhetoric around terrorism is not the real reason for Australia becoming a target, it is its aggressive stance in a region geographically sitting below the the largest Muslim archipelago in the world.
I am a peacemaker and had no support in my attempts to teach… Continue reading