GET A JOB!!! How Many Job Seekers to Vacancies in Australia?
Note: Refer link to job seekers v job vacancy data
unemployed 2,878,100
vacancies 174,100.
Vacancies to total unemployed (actively seeking work) = 6%
Contrasted to full employment scenario = 100%
Therefore a shortfall of 94% required vacancies (however, given jobs are not the one job where all have an equal chance of… Continue reading
Koch Brothers Wish to Repeal Social Security and Government Taxation?
Fascinating what Bernie Sanders is saying. He says the Koch Brothers have economic wealth of $80 billion. Their wealth increased by $12 billion. Koch Industries is the second largest privately owned company invested primarily in the energy industry.
So they won’t be to interested in free energy or intentional communities. I don’t think… Continue reading
The Current Unemployment Situation, ACOSS and Updates
Mental health is a key issue in unemployment because people start to beat themselves up as they believe they are failures. The truth is they haven’t learned to find the greatness within as the system tends to disempower rather than empower as a strategy to grow innovation in the economy. Once that becomes… Continue reading
The Discrimination of the Unemployed Turns to Illumination When Questioned
Until you find yourself in a position where you can’t find employment you won’t understand how widespread and deeply entrenched are attitudes about the unemployed. Where did these attitudes arise? The media.
In Australia we coined terms like – dole bludger, loser, drain on the public purse and so on. In truth to be… Continue reading
Unemployment: Is it Better to Stand on Your Feet Then To Live on Your Knees?
I sent this to the Australian Prime Minister. I don’t expect a response, but felt to express another perspective. You never know if you never have a go. You cannot have a voice unless you exercise it. It is a practice and who knows maybe someone benefits. A hand… Continue reading