Smart Cities

Ted Talk: Silicon Valley Technologist Wake-Up Call Smart Meters, Wireless & Children

Jeromy Johnson shares his wake up call to the world about wireless technology, particularly children. I realise I posted this before, it feels important.  It is a wake up call for sure.

He says he got into this topic 5 years ago, he was a young technology enthusiast, worked in Silicon Valley, always used… Continue reading

Mission Control: Smart Cities

The heading says it all.  You choose the world you want.  It seems the plan is to monitor and collect data on all people living in Smart cities.  Do you want to have you life monitored and data gathered in exchange for Smart technology?

Note this is 2014, look at the incentive… Continue reading

Speech about Australian Smart Cities and Infrastructure

I like this comment:

“…Any economist will tell you that our cities are absolutely essential to innovation…” 

I am a trained economist and I’d tell you cities have nothing to do with innovation, that arises from freedom of thought, creativity, lateral thinking and funding to go with new ideas.  Innovation often arises out… Continue reading

Smart Cities Building Value or Values?

We think GDP growth, economic value and wealth is the real value. What I am realising is that universal values is the real wealth of humanity.  This is the guiding navigation that changes what we see and feel.  However, we still are on a trajectory which has caused the problem of climate change… Continue reading

Shenzhen is Silicon Valley of Future cities

I can see this is a juggernaut, not dissimilar to capitalism around the world. The IT revolution is here.  Yet I see them on their computers focused on this cyber world unaware of the climate changes outside and the family breakdown fostering the real social isolation and mental health issues. Are Smart Cities intelligent?… Continue reading

Are SMART Cities Intelligent Design or Intelligence by Design?

The heading is symptomatic of how I feel about this issue.  Are SMART Cities Intelligent Design or Intelligence by Design?  The latter is what I believe it is about.  I refer to Edward Snowden and Julian Assange who have warned the global community about surveillance, it is the core issue beyond… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

