
TEDx: Does Our Democracy Represent the People?

This is an interesting TEDx Midatlantic talk.


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility

I felt inspired to write about the future from the future looking back.  The wonder of poetry I can time travel in my heart envisaging REAL HOPE


Charting a New Course of REAL HOPE for the Future of Infinite Possibility


I am in the future looking back,

Full Spectrum Dominance was barely… Continue reading

Is the Australian Postal Vote on Marriage Equality Representative or for Other Interests?

From the beginning of this discussion I have been astounded at the waste of taxpayers money to the tune of $122 million spent on a postal vote asking if homosexual people should have the right to marriage – YES/NO.  It is an extraordinary question in a democracy which is supposed to be about equality,… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

