Military False Flag

The Middle East Wars Are About Oil

It is important to understand the root cause of wars if the veterans and civilians are to be truly served.

The key question is – are they defending their country or defending energy interests?

Is this public service or serving industry?

Is there an alternative to oil?   Nicola Tesla invented free energy, why… Continue reading

The Tru man in Shadow Whispers for the CIA to be Limited for Peace Sake

Former US President Truman spoke wise words.  I feel his words are becoming very loud today. Truth is surfacing and the lid will not be held on to protect those engaged in rorting the system to play endless war games for profit.  The people will not accept it when they are struggling to… Continue reading

Steven Greer on the Division of the Alien Invasion False Flag

This is an interesting topic and another area where psychology and technologies can be developed to engineer an alien invasion and generate fear in the populace.  The mentality of division is a war doctrine and it is designed to divide people to justify the need for weaponry and suppression of rights.  There is… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”

