Snowden, Silicon Valley and Trust
Post-Snowden, Silicon Valley Execs Give U.S. Cyberpolicy a D-minus
Snowden disclosures called a disaster for Silicon Valley, the Internet, and the U.S. economy
Ten years from now, Edward Snowden’s disclosures about NSA surveillance programs will be looked upon as 2013’s single most important event with… Continue reading
The Silent Weapon of Information Technology Dominance
I felt inspired to share this today. I understand it is a TOP SECRET document found in 1954 and produced by the Bilderberg.
Nothing Comes from Violence
In truth change does occur but the question is – what sort of change do you want? There are dynamics here that I am exploring whilst writing this. On face value Sting (music below) is right, yet under the surface tension the opposite emerges. The calls for peace were heard loudest after WWII.… Continue reading
Recalibrate Yourself to Harmonise Unity within Diversity
I would like to discuss balance following on from the previous blog. Sacred geometry is about structure and balance. What I gleen from this is that the universe is made up of geometric energy patterns that harmonises and balance. A triangle or pyramid shape reveals that all sides are balanced and equal. I perceive at… Continue reading
Gandhi discusses Tolerance, Forgiveness and Trust
Mutual Toleration
The golden rule of conduct … is mutual toleration, seeing that we will never all think alike and we shall always see Truth in fragment and from different angles of vision. Conscience is not the same thing for all. Whilst, therefore, it is a good guide for individual conduct, imposition of… Continue reading