Destiny of Humanity Discovers the Harmony of the Spheres
Poetry helps me to discover my harmony of the spheres. I then pass it to you like a candle in the winds of change. My writing is not filtered, I just write as I feel.
IT always comes up for me as I sit with this. Greed is also coming up as this… Continue reading
Eve is a New Era
This is a poem dedicated to all men,
For you are trail blazing,
A bush fire that is unstoppable,
That is on the war path,
That has forgotten the steam bath,
Is for contemplation.
The patriarch is the monarch,
The matriarch is the patron,
Who presides over… Continue reading
Prince Charles Speaks of Eating Plastic Fish in the Oceans
This is an interesting article by Prince Charles. Whilst the world is unable to take its eyes from conflict and drama the very life supports are polluted and being destroyed. When do we wake up and smell the roses, if indeed they smell is not genetically engineered. There is so much to… Continue reading
REAL HOPES for Planet Earth
I watched the excellent BBC series called Planet Earth which inspired this poem written for you below. Here is a brief overview of this magnificent series.
Planet Earth is a 2006 television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. Five years in the making, it was… Continue reading
Harbingers of Knowledge Will Answer the Call
Harbingers of knowledge,
I have walked the corridors and climbed the walls,
I have sought peace within conflict,
Calm seas within turbulence,
Answers from the silence,
Travelled the world of diversity,
In search of unity,
Asking what is our common-unity?
How to recall separate islands… Continue reading
Do You Want the Earth to End or Thrive?
We are all responsible for the shape of the world. What choice will you make for 2013. Will you go back to work and just get distracted by all the little daily things you have to do, family and friends. Or will you step back and really think about where we all are, where you… Continue reading