
Elementary Nature is the Nature of Elementals


Elementary Nature


The fire burns,

The shadows dance,

The ocean crashes,

Against the shore of my resistance,

For resistance is useless,

As the sandstone sculpture breaks down,



The wind is blowing icy cold,

As I try to get warm,

My arms folded and my head down,

I fight against the current… Continue reading

Playing the Harp of Unity

I felt inspired to write this after my meditation on chemtrails and HAARP.  May the greatest force be with you, that is the truth of who you are, love in action. I am feeling peace and I send it to the world not as RF but the highest frequency.


 … Continue reading

REAL HOPES for Planet Earth

I watched the excellent BBC series called Planet Earth which inspired this poem written for you below.  Here is a brief overview of this magnificent series.

Planet Earth is a 2006 television series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit. Five years in the making, it was… Continue reading

A Meaningful Life Focuses on Your True Meaning


A Meaningful Life


Through my passion for peace,

I sought to do no harm,

But truth urges me to speak up,

For what is democracy if it is not open and engaging?


I freed myself from the rhythm of routine,

I found myself creating new routines outside the box,

I have followed… Continue reading

Do You Choose Peace?

The truth sets us all free to find the inner peace of true enlightenment.  Are you ready to question some strongly held beliefs and make space for the truth of who you are? 

Are you ready to take responsibility for your life and your impact? 
Do you feel you are tired of… Continue reading

New Paradigm: Redesign Education for the Whole Person!

This is an excellent paper, 10 out of 10 for an intelligent insight into education and the closed minds that perpetuate a focus on educating for profit rather than prophets.   I personally have taken the human perspective to Education and found deaf ears, as I was not answered.    I saw… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

