Elementary Nature is the Nature of Elementals


Elementary Nature


The fire burns,

The shadows dance,

The ocean crashes,

Against the shore of my resistance,

For resistance is useless,

As the sandstone sculpture breaks down,



The wind is blowing icy cold,

As I try to get warm,

My arms folded and my head down,

I fight against the current of love,

That became my tourniquet,

As elation transformed to grief,

I felt unable to move,

As if paralysed by conflicting emotions,

At war with reality,

In the world of my war,

Where there are no winners,

Only entrenched interests,

That are dug in,

As paper tigers take flight,

For this was the winter of my discontent.


My heart hungers for a truce,

My desire aches for surrender,

As I raise the white flag,

Sending the message in my bottle,

For I am un-shore,

I see no movement on the horizon,

There is no response to my plea,

For the other is long gone,

And I am alone,

As the smoke fades and time drifts,

The blue sky becomes crystal clear,

That fear is the only enemy,

Playing beyond enemy lines,

As lines of inner division,

Barely visible across the sands of time,

Fading gently as the wind sweeps the mind free,

To simply be,






And air

Are the elements that matter,

As life is a shape changer,



And each an elementary particle,

And a wave of light,

That casts a light across an ocean of possible outcomes,

But one will succumb to an elementary nature,

And let go of the parachute as I jump,

For there is no control or force,

I can only experience the fall,

And wait for the chute,

As a moment of truth opens up,

For a soft or hard landing,

And only experience will tell,

If the right string theory is pulled,

In time.


Yet as I am falling,

I relax and allows nature to take its course,

For in truth the fall feels like climbing,

For I have nothing to compare,

For the world appears unreal at this height,

Homes, cars, buildings are Lego cities,

That appear as if miniature,

Repeating the same pattern every day,

Yet I have another perspective that no-one can see,

As they are not looking up when down,

Yet if they did all they would see is the fall not the courage of the challenge,

Yet in this moment in time,

Time has stopped and the mind is still,

As each moment is lived fully thoughtlessly,

And as the mind expands I understand I am the subject matter of life,

Not the shape changer,

And the war within lives only in the desire to control the experience,

Yet non-resistance is the greatest peace,

As to flow is to let go,

Of reasons,

And discover I am content to not know the answer,

To the meaning of life.







Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
