A Meaningful Life Focuses on Your True Meaning


A Meaningful Life


Through my passion for peace,

I sought to do no harm,

But truth urges me to speak up,

For what is democracy if it is not open and engaging?


I freed myself from the rhythm of routine,

I found myself creating new routines outside the box,

I have followed my heart in the face of silence,

I have tried to show another way,

Yet who ‘sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil?’

For I am not seen for who I truly am,

I am never heard as I am never truly answered,

For what we resist persists,

What we look at disappears,

As the illusion of fear disappears in light of truth.


The beauty of this life is the living philosophy,

For when you tap into real truth you find the bouquet of life’s promise

opens irises and lilies,

Displaying magnificent colours open to enlightenment,

Consuming you in a perfume that is intoxicating,

Carrying you into fields of endless sunflowers,

For these are the thought forms that transform

the ordinary into the extraordinary,

For no person is bland or uninteresting,

Each has a unique story to tell when we are open,

And when we stop to deeply listen to others,

Even to those who seem unusual varieties,

You will find a new world opens up for you,

As tears turn into strings of pearls.

The art of communication is to see all angles,

To see in devils the angels in waiting,

For challenges are the sands in the oyster,

This can be seen as irritating or formulating,

To open to the pearl of feelings is to explore the full colour spectrum

as beauty emerges from pain,

To let go into ocean currents without limits,

For when we limit others we limit ourselves,

When we isolate or seek to genetically modify,

We restrict diversity as we only seek to profit,

We forget our nature is free for all,

And when you flow with life it will show you another way,

For arts were always about moving outside of rigid lines

into the blurred lines of uncertain reality,

To remind the viewer that art evokes perspectives and perceptions

to free oneself from the picture,

For the object and the viewer were never separate,

Art directs each to find their own truth with meaning,

To communicate personal insights and watch them fly on kites of promise

as butterflies emerging,

For this is the dream time that creates new realities,

That lives infinite possibilities as not a catch-cry,

But learning to cry with insight is the inner sight of one’s true nature,

And this is the nomenclature that has no name or reference

but is known when owned,

For truth and love have no name,

Virtues reveal the games we play with ourselves,

Yet when we live our truth with love,

The answers find us when seeking the light,

And this defines the meaning

of your beautiful life.

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
