Have Faith In Yourself You CAN Climb the Highest Mountain


I believe in all people to change the world.  I do not believe the negative media or naysayers.  I absolutely know from my own experience that people are inherently wise and share the same wisdom.  All we have to do is choose the world we wish to create.  If you want a world that is values based, kind, considerate, sharing and caring, sustainable and survives then YOU be the change.  I had a discussion with an Indian man today who agreed that many Indian people don’t believe in Gandhi.  I put to him that what Gandhi demonstrated to the world was courage and he was prepared to receive blows (face violence) in the face of those who did not believe in a world based on truth and love (cooperation and peace).  I explained to him that perhaps it was the Indian people who did not follow his example and stand up and speak their truth and lead by example, demonstrating the type of world they wish to see. Gandhi made it quite clear – YOU be the change you wish to see in the world.  It was not about supporting Gandhi or becoming a Gandhian, it was about you standing up for what you believe and living your truth.  He simply showed people how to do it nonviolently.  I do smile when I think of those who no longer support truth and love, for that is who Gandhi was.  In fact it was he who said that “It is more correct to say that Truth is God than to say God is truth. …we must speak the Truth.” – Gandhi. I asked this man had he read any of Gandhi’s writings, he said no, he just believed what others had said.  He told me people were disappointed in the direction the Indian National Congress had taken after Gandhi and it seems they blamed Gandhi. In truth Gandhi preached self reliance not industrialisation, he saw that as importing the unhappiness of the West and greedily assimilating material qualities. I said to him why not you change the direction if you are not happy.  I told him the same applies to Australians, we didn’t have our own Gandhi, although we could stand up for what we want sensing his wisdom and vision.  If we are concerned about the environment, the future of children, violence, falling living standards, diminishing values then stand up and share with us the vision you have, have the courage of your own convictions and share nonviolently with the world your own vision. I’ve certainly done it, and I am only one peace clown.

This video below features John Farnham and it is entitled ‘Have a Little Faith’. I have faith in you to create the world you want from Gandhi’s essence, choose peace, truth and love as the vehicle from which you share your vision. Never force anyone to join you, just inspire them and naturally they will come along with a sense of upliftment. Go for it is my advice. I’ve never had so much fun then when I chose to live my truth with great love. As I love all the people in all their shapes and sizes, especially those who don’t agree with me, they were my greatest teachers and I thank them sincerely. They made me look within and check for truth and if I could still love them, I was on the right track within myself. For me, being the change is to love unconditionally the world as it turns up. All I can do is hold my light, to show another way and if you feel inspired, either join me or shine your own light. We are waiting to see you.


Have a Little Faith by John Farnham

Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
