
Brett Kavenaugh the Right Judge for the Supreme Court

Gandhi’s View of Zionism

I feel on publishing this to look at anti-semetism as this is often levelled at any critique of Israel under the mask of ‘jews’.  I make clear my own views have nothing to do with discrimination but more to do with a search for truth.  When I see any person suffering I look… Continue reading

Why are Crimes by Soldiers Hidden or Sanctioned by Governments? What of Judicial Oversight?

It is interesting that I happened across this article.  I was contemplating people in Syria this morning under the bombs.  I wondered about those dropping them.  I recall watching a film by an Iraqi doctor showing cross hair targeting of civilians away from bombing targets.  I also have heard stories of… Continue reading

Rights and Responsibilities of Athena

Rights and responsibilities always are companions.  The image of Athena I saw in Athens. Fascinating.


The goddess of wisdom, strategy, warfare, skill, justice, and crafts. 

Athena is the daughter of Zeus and Metis.
Zeus had fallen in love with Metis and chased her for days, then cornered her near a cliff… Continue reading

Justice is Learning that Equality is Real

This has come to me in inspiration.  There are those who believe equality is not real, that it is not possible, that it is about rebalancing everything.  Of course life is permeated by injustice and justice and this is experienced from our own perceptions of what we think is fair, what we expect… Continue reading

Gagging Laws – Sit Down, Shut Up or GetUP!!

My awareness has been raised significantly around this topic.  I interviewed GetUp years ago in Sydney when they first started.  It is interesting to see how Government is changing from when I was a child.  I was around during the time of Gough Whitlam (Prime Minister), discussions were robust and there was… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

