Good Friday Appeal for Terms and Conditions for a World-Peace-Full
This is written on Good Friday, I feel it is the right time to define World-Peace-Full Terms and Conditions. this blog took 8 hours to write with no more than 30 minutes break. I feel it to be very important and a calling, some may state a clarion call.
This is lengthy as I allowed inspiration to flow. I am providing a foundation as I build the pearl around the grain of sand. I am not seeking an audience but to express in authenticity. The next section is a legal contract with cyber reality which seeks to control and to profit my information without consent.
It is noteworthy that Jesus demonstrated the real love of humanity. He was considered a threat to those in power and persecuted as they wished to remove any threat to their power. What this time represents, and is clearly evident today, is that in truth all threat is about threats to power which are false constructs as is evident when people lose power, they become unwell which is the true state behind the mask. The desire for power comes from perceived powerlessness seeking power to feel better and bigger. There is an oscillation between what is termed good and evil or more accurately love and lack of love. The contrast when we are not distorted is to expand the potential of humanity. Distortion is the veil of negativity projected onto the world as real which shapes the world to make the self feel secure, powerful, in control and larger than life. However, when this power is threatened by truth, love, alternative views there is a reactive attempt to shut the ‘other’ down, to suppress, oppress, persecute, undermine, bully or in the extreme murder. This behaviour has been reflective of a power construct based on fear or not enough across history as groups jostle for power and control over what they fear.
Power is addictive as those projecting power through external interaction experience admiration, obedience, fame, glory, security, stability, privilege, ego inflation and access to whatever they desire in the material reality. Addiction is a form of self soothing through a repeated activity that feels good and the need is to retain this state. It is an attempt to bottle happiness or have it in a bottle or inject it through a needle or pile it up in riches as wealth informing status. A sense of larger than life. It is a mask for something within missing or sensed emptiness or boredom, incompleteness or not enough. This typically is a perceived disconnect from the real power within humanity, it is perceived, as in reality no person is disconnected, they just don’t know how to connect inwardly as no-one modelled it or taught them. So in search of feeling good they mainline power in its myriad forms to ensure the fix never ends. This is why we fix people we don’t empower them to discover their own answers and that there are no mistakes when experience is the purpose of life, hence the journey not destination.
This need for power manifests in profession, status, success, superiority over others, being right rather than happy, pleasures rather than enjoy-ment (inner joy aligns with truth), cruelty rather than kindness, indifference rather than compassion, detachment rather than empathy, ambition rather than aspiration, structured innovation rather than inspiration, sex instead of tantric love, domination rather than empowerment or partnership (equality) etc. All these manifestations are aspects of control (fear) rather than surrendering to a higher power (allow) of life unfolding and letting experience show you the way to higher enjoyment growing through knowledge not as information but wisdom.
Wisdom is insight that sees beyond what is front of you, it sees through the illusion into the peace that passeth all understanding. I felt the connection to Jeshua just now. Joy naturally arises as you fall in love with life itself as you have given to yourself the gift of what you truly want, joy is the celebration (woo hoo) of that.
Powerlessness without empathy is extroverted (outward) expresses as: domination, bullying, control, scheming, cunning, lost, alone, external, cruelty, abuse, suppression, oppression, superiority and violence in all its forms etc.
Powerlessness with empathy is introverted (inward) expresses as: vulnerability, fear, isolation, lack of confidence, worthlessness, trauma, insecurity, suicide and hopelessness.
We project onto life our fears and fantasies. The projector of the mind projects onto the screen of the world and calls it truth. Like a movie or video or game it seems real but it is not real. It is an illusion. Unconsciousness (unquestioned thinking) keeps people in treadmills or cycling unhealthy patterns in search of power they can never attain. If in their mind they believe they are threatened in any way, they will cover this vulnerability by some overt behaviour or bravado that is either aggressive, passive aggressive as covert bullying to undermine others to frighten them off, to shut them down or to destroy their reputation or them personally in order to retain perceived order out of perceived chaos, maintaining the myth of superiority, retaining status, positional power, wealth and to feel a sense of security no matter the cost. Great misery and confusion arises.
That is why the world is the way it is.
That is why this transformation is here now. As I’ve said we are moving to 5D.
Jesus or Jeshua Ben Joseph came into the world to show the world a way of out darkness. Gandhi did the same, through his example of love and truth he showed the world a way out of madness. He believed in Self reliance rather than industrialisation. Interestingly enough those who advocate for privatisation and no welfare believe in self reliance. There are different ways to perceive Self reliance. Empowerment is to find power within (freedom) and does not desire to exercise power over others (control) as each must choose their path. No path is right or wrong, they are pathways to offer experience and some may have to experience life in the position of a perpetrator or victim, as we live many lives in both categories. The life process is about learning empathy. However, recognising that we are more than we think, this does not mean leaving the homeless on the street or letting the starving “let them eat cake” as famously quoted by Marie Antoinette the French Queen. It is following love and allowing oneself to reach out or allow them to find their way, whichever is for their highest good. I have realised I cannot know what is best for another, I can only express my perspective. Refer
Love is not some ethereal, fluffy unrealistic term to make us feel good. It is clarity coming from the highest point within us (zero point), it is our highest potential waiting for us to choose. Peace is naturally there as love fulfills (infills) and security is instantly felt. There is no loneliness or incompleteness that has to grasp at the world for more. I have had the feeling of calling for help and feeling instantly at peace. I had magical experiences that were validated scientifically (objectively) to prove to me the existence of this higher reality (search for my book ‘A Fool for Peace’ in pdf for a free copy). I speak about how my life unfolded the Fool. I had no idea what a Fool was nor did I have an interest in peace, this just unfolded from when I dreamed in 1998 that I was teaching peace. The feeling of peace is there when you ‘know’ and know you don’t know or when you enter the field of silence to allow intuitive wisdom that you didn’t know was coming but knew when it was expressed. Peace is felt when approaching death as you let go of all attachment and allow. Peace is felt in a near death experience when people die and come back to life through a trauma. They experience themselves instantly out of body floating above, some will state they travel through a tunnel/barrel towards a light, they often say a being of light is there, some believe it is Jesus but it can manifest in an image that is comforting to the one passing over. They may travel to some scene or meet others that appear familiar. They are often given a choice to stay or go back to complete what they are on earth for. In the outer body state they are fearless, they know the freedom that we on earth are seeking unconsciously for through all our activities and search for power, unconsciously we are on this inner search. In truth we come from this realty of no separation and know it intimately as home more than our earthly existence. We are in existing in a deliberate limited awareness and believing what we can’t see isn’t real. Left brain logic. Yet when you believe (trust, faith), you will see, as life will bring truth to you if you ask, life is a living expression. That is why ‘ask and you will receive’ is the cause and effect of a universal response. This higher power answers before you ask, as there is no time or separation. In the spiritual state there is no identity as all is One. That is why ‘you are me’ as a mirror. I am you, same, not one greater or lesser, just different. A way of envisaging the other side is a droplet returning to the ocean of oneness.
A very good video is by Jill Bolte Taylor who was a neurologist (brain scientist) who had a brain tumour which enabled her to have insights into the nature of how our brain frames and creates reality. I just had an insight which I will add here, she identified with the intellect as rationale and true (proof) and the brain tumour I felt represented blocking of the left brain (full potential). Pressure building from imbalance. Balance is built into the universe not as order but harmony. Order has fear in it, harmony is a natural movement adapting to change with the whole in mind.
The left brain is the logical, linear, survival, assertive, self oriented as a separated self or egoic consciousness who gets offended and doesn’t believe in this irrational nonsense. The right or creative hemisphere is the artist, imagination, expansiveness, nurturing, feeling, soul, truth, compassion, love and unlimitedness discovering the exalted Self as One with life itself, there is no separation. This is union.
There is a message for IT industry here. It is not surprising to me that the IT reality has arisen as it seeks to hold onto the left brain existence in fear of non existence. I just felt IoT, internet of things (objects) this reflects objectivisation and the separated self. Abuse arises when empathy is disconnected as a weakness. We objectivise when we see reality without feeling human connection, life becomes an object and life a statistic accorded value (statistical value) rather than intrinsic value of life itself as not an object but no-thing, empty of need. I express this with a feeling of love (not superiority) as I feel no better than or less than, I sense a feeling of fascination as I look into the mirror, you are me. I cannot know myself without you. You cannot know yourself without me. That is why opposites attract, we are seeking an aspect of who we are that we can’t connect with. In truth a portal opens up to higher awareness when we face what we fear. I can assure those who experience this separation that when they choose to experience the true self or passover (I feel the Jewish here), those fears evaporate like the morning mist. We are ONE.
So we are framed by the design of the brain which we didn’t create. The brain programs our reality on earth and when in balance facilitates connection to the oneness, often provided by grace as they say. Making love can connect you as feminine and masculine unites, union is the portal that opens. Jill Bolte Taylor experienced both states and was fascinated as a brain scientist to be able to experience the shutting down of the left hemisphere, she experienced the unlimitedness of the right hemisphere and had no desire to return to the left hemisphere. She was meant to share this message with the world so the left kicked in. Both sides worked together to reveal the love beyond the drama.
Refer this video for real insight into real love.
Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor: Evidence We Are One With the Universe (TED)
I feel to add another video from Jane Elliott for those who see a Blue Eyed or Brown Eyed view of the world or with us or against us, this will illuminate your perspective or harden it. The contention could be the investment in a SMART Mega city world versus an intelligent design of self reliance or perhaps a cyber closed circuit world versus independent open source world. Or perhaps a male dominated one versus female empowerment, a white versus coloured (apartheid), religion versus atheist or Jewish versus Arab and on and on division as fear goes. Wherever we feel a threat (fear) this video will guide you into your prejudices and as an experiential training you get to feel what you project, one can only know another when they walk in their moccasins.
The purpose of this blog is to set out Worldpeacefull Terms and Conditions given the Brave New World agenda that is arising silently without question or consent. It is coming out of a unquestioned reality that is forcing a world upon people without true agreement which forms the social contract, the basis of why we cooperate. I awoke in the early hours this morning and prayed. I don’t typically pray but I felt to serve the highest love. I was not lost on Good Friday as the timing. This blog is what came to me and my Terms and Conditions, you will note there is no tick box if you disagree with me, you still have access to visit my website but do not have approval to data gather. It may be updated as I feel inspired. It is up to you to re-acquaint yourself.
Firstly I will state what is unconditional and then make clear Terms and Conditions.
Susan Carew is a legal name but is not true identity. However, for the purpose of this legal document Susan Carew is the creator of Worldpeacefull (one and the same) and as a character responds to Peacefull or Peace Fool. The social mission is to Awaken the Fool to REAL HOPES for a World-Peace-full to generate the real wealth as the fools gold that gives to live in:
Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love, Honesty, Oneness, Peace, Enjoyment and Service as the real security harmonising with earth grids and systems as life sustaining to re-member Peace as Our True Nature.
In the points outlined below in Terms, Conditions it is articulated that when citizen, public, persons, my data, myself, Susan Carew and Worldpeacefull are mentioned – this is one in the same. It has been written to focus the reader on the community and public of which I am a member, who are not informed by this so called ‘knowledge society’ at this point.
Note this Statement of Unconditional Terms without Conditions is formulated with the future of the world’s children at the centre peace. It is on their behalf that I speak publicly to assert the future I co-create as love in action. Some points are in detail as passion has led me to express from a higher perspective.
Unconditional love states:
- Worldpeacefull is dedicated to unconditional love not as an idealistic notion but as the true nature of humanity.
- Worldpeacefull is committed to working in harmony with earth systems to ensure homeostasis.
- Worldpeacefull honours the good, the holy and the beautiful unhinded by ideology, beliefs or dogma.
- Worldpeacefull works for the children of the world, the adults of the world and all life forms. For this is not work but the joy of living service prompted by unconditional love and oneness.
- Worldpeacefull is apolitical, leaning neither left nor right wing, but rather embracing and transcending both wings. As truth is not about undue influence; honesty is not about manipulation for personal gain; authenticity is not about popularity or being seen to be; transparency is not about secrecy it is visibility and open with an intention for harmony as the outcome. Only when dedicated to universal truth can humanity fly into higher expressions and adventures to experience the full spectrum allowance of who they really are.
- Worldpeacefull has no enemies, for this is a divisive mentality that believes discomfort or dis-ease is removed by force, coercion, cruelty or destruction. It is recognised in the truism ‘what you do to another returns to the self.‘ There is no separation between cause and effect as a universal law.
- Woldpeacefull re-members projection is when ‘you see as you are not as they are.’ Fear is the real enemy (if there is one) and that is False Evidence Appearing Real. Unconsciousness sees an enemy, consciousness knows life works for you not against you. Life is contrast, there is no enemy. The contrast is designed for expansion of experience not to become stuck in revolving doors, endless wars and intractable conflicts. Our true nature is peaceful.
- Worldpeacefull awakens to unity reconciling the opposites.
- Worldpeacefull re-members the Wisdom of the Fool.
- Worldpeace inspires REAL HOPES to Awaken the Fool to a World-Peace-Full as love in action.
Consent in this context means to not be in contractual agreement as measured by implied consent, access or social and corporate contracts. In truth Worldpeacefull is in allowance to life as it unfolds but is making clear for legal reasons what is agreed to and what is not as a statement of who I am and the world envisaged.
Worldpeacefull does not give consent to:
- Intelligence gathering in service of business interests, profit maximisation, political protection and criminal activities.
- Intelligence agencies creating platforms like: Facebook, Yahoo, Google, YouTube etc to gather data (video, posts, drag nets) inclusive of personal discussions, identifying and collecting profiles on family and friends, ID based on facial recognition, voice printing, accessing personal computers, content, tracking, watching or listening via mobile iPhones, blocking video or written content to friends or the public that is in the PUBLIC INTEREST.
- Intelligence agencies using airports or transits to electronically profile the public or myself via iris prints, facial profiling, finger printing and scanning particularly when transiting via a country and then forced to enter a country in order for this data to be gathered under the justification of fears of terrorism threats.
- Building infrastructure with embedded smart technologies that are not visible (camouflaged) recording to profile without knowledge or consent.
- Facebook or other shared and public platforms allowing other parties to access my data personalise profit based advertisements based on intrusive monitoring preferences, interests, conversations and profiling for profit.
- Bullying activities inclusive of overt and covert bullying of myself via: harassment, demonisation, persecution, withholding information, structural violence (social, cultural, economic), exclusion, intimidation, silent treatment, verbal abuse, physical abuse and attempts to criminalise due to speaking the truth.
- Data gathered or cyber attacks by government, business or intelligence to disrupt in order to: track, profile, facial recognition, copy, change, delete or add data, record images, personalise, target, manipulate, breach privacy, insert unauthorised programs, disrupt (viruses), spy in order to profile, sell (commercialise) public data without permission.
- Ticking a box as consent (YES) without any option to say (NO) or OPT OUT without losing the right to access the software cyber infrastructure. True respect is allowing YES or NO and is the basis of choice.
- Compliance (only yes) replacing democracy (choice, rights) as totalitarian interfaces normalising no choice in the cyber infrastructure.
- Messages requesting I AGREE to cookies, when I don’t and then refusing access.
- Windows programming apps on without my permission or upgrading Windows with content I am unaware, without an OPT OUT, as I cannot know if it is for my good or the good of other unknown interests.
- Government, intelligence agencies, business/Information Technology companies recording my voice without being informed.
- Big data companies and telecommunications companies monitoring my online activities inclusive of blog, typing on a computer via Smart Meters or NBN without visibility.
- Applying compliance approaches on the most vulnerable people within the welfare sector. Reframing this sector to ‘joblessness’ from foreign interests with the intent of removing the right to social security, forcing slave labour and penalties threatening supports.
- Access assumed as proxy consent to any website, apps, platform or other software cyber infrastructure cited as giving automatic permission or consent.
- Business or other parties accessing, storing, using or changing my personal or aggregated data or asserting business ‘digital’ legal rights in small print (Terms and Conditions) that are not in lay persons terms, understandable or enabling feedback and opt out if not agreed as a negotiated process rather than ‘take it or leave it’. Tick box where disagreed to. Moreover it is particularly reprehensive to opt out of legal responsibility and personal accountability when harm is caused by the technology or in the future.
- Legal action cited as in the host country which it would be beyond the financial ability of global citizens. In addition, legally suppressing class actions or refusing to observe local laws.
- The transfer of public assets to the private sector for financial gain without public consultation, consent or payment. This transfer includes deliberate defunding known as funding cuts to orchestrate inefficiency (scarcity) in order to manipulate a willingness to accept a business ethos as more efficient in the public interest.
- Public/private arrangements which give control of those assets to the private sector or investment ownership as a result of the project and future income. In the case of foreign business control this should not be permissible.
- Any person or organisation hacking into personal information, stealing information from harddrives, altering information (criminal set up), accessing desktops, phones, iPads or other devices. This includes technology that accesses or senses without permission. Warrants must be used that have been authorised by an unbiased legitimate Court. Legal representation must should be available to civil society individuals and groups.
Note: the marketing of ethical hacking blurs the lines and creates a backdoor into personal or business information. Secrecy is not ethical, openness is visibility and empowers others in areas that directly affects them. - The use of intrusive technologies to film, listen or locate citizens, tracking and recording private phone calls and conversations for the purpose of spying, negative disruption and corruption. This reduces trust and restricts freedom of speech and generates insecurity and paranoia in targets.
- Replacing humans jobs with Artificial Intelligence as the real danger is advancing intelligence’s devoid of empathy positioned to controlling human activity.
- Technology that programs emotional intelligence into Artificial Intelligence to form an artificial psychological bond as relationship is a false reality and deceptive.
- Normalising intrusive technologies through deceptive commercialisation and start ups (spin offs) e.g. drones (spying, stalking), GPS cameras (privacy), Googlebox (TV monitoring), surveillance technology (stalking), ethical hacking, cyber surveillance/risk management, autonomous vehicles (Artificial Intelligence), smart intelligent technologies, robo-debt collection, mobile phone tracking by debt collectors etc, private satellites targeting etc.
- Voice recordings of citizens (of any country) for the purpose of algorithms tracking, monitoring and recording communications to create profiles and possible vilification.
- Forcing all citizens into using technology with no other options as a means of capturing all data of citizens for the advantage of business and government interests. This removes private space, private choice and tips the balance of power in favour of those in power who may not be government. Excluding is to punish those who do not comply (as a right) as it is not in their interests. This particularly affects the poor and homeless as they cannot access technology, may have barriers and challenges, many have been tracked and monitored by authorities, some may be illiterate or choose to be independent. This includes those who indicated ‘consciousness objector’ status to the intrusion of technology, privacy breaches that is not done in the public interest and corruption.
- Discrimination when choosing to live lives that differ from the consensus IT reality, particularly those who desire to live in harmony with nature and not engage in toxic cultures that are destroying the earth and preference profit over human rights, democratic freedoms and the wellbeing of people.
- iPhones or android phones used to track citizens or identify my location for the purpose of surveillance and data gathering rather than a tool to meet my needs. I require information on the technology inside iPhones as to what it does. I have concerns about stalking.
- Cities Agenda (Smart Cities) not consulting the public but specifically selected groups such as: government agencies, local governments, industry, community members and interest groups and not extensive consultation of the wider public by demographic profiles. This type of disruptive, radical and transformational change requires advertising in the media, public forums, speakers at local neighbourhood houses and libraries across a broad range of civil society groups and suburbs. It is not clear exactly who was contacted, how it was presented and who delivered the information. Note: I attended one session and the presenter did not offer concrete sustainability outcomes, mentioned the jetsons (unrealistic), didn’t reveal the Council involved, mentioned street light dimming (witnessed opposite), sensor bins, facial recognition, autonomous buses and alluded to homeland security in relation to protecting Australians – who comes in or not, he mentioned discriminatory language. The audience didn’t pick up on this but it needs to be flushed out. He stated there is no public choice as it is coming yet wanted support (funding) from the community to validate it. That appeared forced and concerning given Smart Cities comes from overseas IT interests. So is consultation describing what is happening and avoiding the ethics of intrusive technologies ie. surveillance, monitoring, profiling, personalising and data gathering? There are concerns about Cities not being named Smart Cities, as it appears deceptive. Moreover, why was it moved from Prime Minister and Cabinet to the Department of Infrastructure? I assume infrastructure is double speak for physical roads/bridges/railway infrastructure and IT infrastructure or embedding smart technologies in both.
- Trial Smart suburbs and regional areas where Smart technologies are embedded inside houses e.g. LED lighting. The design of suburbs, underground NBN cables and electrical chords coupled with smart electrical boxes, sensors in lighting, antenna’s in poles (use), heat technologies. Is the trial on public land or private rezoned land? The suburb includes: autonomous vehicles, rubbish recycling research and any other intrusive technologies trialled without direct public consultation and consent given it impacts lives.
- Smart homes and smart meters that record on SIM cards all activity in people’s homes and transmit to other parties without knowledge or genuine permission. In addition, to gather this data, profile and sell data as a product.
- To not fully test electromagnetic RF safety of Smart technologies and equipment on people or fully inform citizens that this is not made safe.
- Fully inform about surveillance of their daily activities, how it is recorded, gathered, categorised and formulated and who it is sold to.
- Fully inform about digital meters featuring Local Area Networks (LAN), wide Area Networks – Cities (WAN) and other electricity usage/use capture, how monitoring occurs, what is recording and whether household computers can be monitored (LAN, WAN) and information gathered without permission as surveillance. A person may be deemed Person Of Interest as they could be categorised as a dissenter (threat) and justification for intrusion by corrupt officials authorised.
- Fully inform how Smart technologies such as Smart TV’s, sensors, cameras are recording people’s interactions, conversations and what they watch, who visits without permission or awareness.
- The health and safety of RF microwave radiation and how it impacts health as validated by independent or public researchers not associated with vested commercial/corporate/political interests. To understand the biological impacts of electromagnetic radiation radio frequency transmitted and received via RF towers, iPhones, cordless phones, iPads, laptops, electricals in cars, street lighting, bins, curbs, smart buildings etc. This creates what is termed an electromagnetic soup. There is medical concern of the health risks of cancer, DNA, development of electromagnetic sensitivities – depression, anxiety, tiredness, dizziness from exposure to microwave radiation via devices. Moreover, this inclusion into natural earth systems creates an imbalance in the natural electromagnetic field.
- Future Ready US designed for online education ushered in by former Presidents Clinton and Bush on the behest of multinational companies with a vision of a programmed workforce to serve their interests not expand the intllectual growth of civilisation in order to advance and evolve. This is imported (downloaded) into the Australian culture 2.0 without robust debate or full information or a backward glance at the US and how this experiment impacted their people and other cultures and the commensurate loss to culture IT brings as uniformity replaces age old traditions that held communities together and gave real identity rather than avatars.
- Information Technologies used to benefit US trade interests as the expense of the Australian sovereignty, culture, social, economic and educational priorities that may not include STEM or digital disruption. The US economy is bankrupt, IT is the last wave of full spectrum dominance that does not bode well for independent thought, peaceful resolution, agora’s of constructive debate, real ecological sustainability possibilities before further chaos is catalysed through continued denial of responsibility and critical thinking. This can not be evoked through atomised self learning complying with computer programs that have no ability to model or inspire ingenuity or random creativity. Real learning comes through experience, speaking up, feeling, stimulated dialogue, community, discussion, problem solving ie. economic plus ecological collapse. Technology disconnects as it connects electronically catalysing behaviours disconnected from nature without a grounded realisation of their dependence on nature. Will trips to the moon save earth or be used for operations that do not serve humanity? Will escaping be a refuge for those who can afford it? This is what questioning is a classroom develops, it is not just a tick box compliance as mind control that says YES to make life smooth and simple for others. Life is meant to be a contested space, clashing civilisations, passionate discourse, difficult challenges and testing ground for the character and spirit of human kind. It is not about giving power away through compliance or agreement with prevailing untested views that the few financially benefit from in the short term, possibly at the real detriment of the long term.
- The argument to simply agree with ICT because the young use the technology and demand IT in education, that they want to be merged into it (literally) and that their world sinks into this endless algorithm as they lose the rhythm of their own life and dreams. Self directed doesn’t work when they are young as they need guidance initially, good role models who care about them not the money. They need to be shown why values shape their character and how respect is not just a buzz word but comes from honouring yourself and diversity. To realise that bullying arises out of powerless, disempowerment, isolation, insecurity, inadequacy, low self esteem and poor parenting. Young people do not want to plan their curriculum they want to experience the liberation of education that frees them from irrelevant knowledge and brings in their humanity, their expression, their passions – not unlike the Dead Poet Society example set by inspire teachers not called HAL. Teachers who have the courage to awaken passion, feeling, questions, new vistas to realise who we are. To learn to challenge what does not work for society, to question control paradigms and explore what exactly is freedom. These days these types of teachers are sacked as they didn’t conform, but it is what young people need if we are to survive as a species system.
The young people need truth, respect, authenticity, equality, examples and adults to stop the violence, the lies, the manipulation and greed. They want to feel real family that includes and is unconditionally loving, to hear ‘I love you‘ from their fathers every day, to excitedly travel on adventures, to curiously quest and explore, to fall hopelessly in love, to try for exalted states, to feel and taste freedom, to make mistakes, to say it like it is, to experience and learn from life developing new visions and greater wisdom.
They need to express their natural abilities and talents, to taste life, to spit, to swear, to laugh, to swim in streams, ride rapids, break the rules, dive into oceans and jump out of planes to test the boundaries of the possible to recreate the impossible in their image. By all means have IT as a tool but not as a shape changer as it will kill their spirit, it will depress them they will feel anxiety as they stay plugged in and indoors too much, as they lose the very important connection with nature that is their true nature and holds the answers to our crisis. They are part of the earth not living in boxes and silos of intellectual isolation making money but not living vibrantly.
They are here to go further than the previous generation who got it wrong who are still unable to resolve conflict, still living in righteousness, still wheeling and dealing whilst the earth systems collapse. That is why they are protesting, they are sending a strong message to leaders, as they have to be heard, they feel it in their soul. It is critical they do not learn to just AGREE and COMPLY with whatever they are taught and lose their right to democracy and self determination. To reduce education to a play list, still simplistic rote learning (modules), passing linear levels as gaming when it can be an awakening to their highest potential when those who control let go of it and allow real evolution to occur which is their birthright.
Montessori and Steiner are examples of placing the child’s needs at the centre rather than government or business needs for profit maximisation and forms of slavery and bondage. Steiner educaton revolved around the needs of the child not developers, children had the one teacher throughout their education to form a bond and sense of community, they learned artistic creativity, games and independent learning and leadership skills. Steiner or Waldorf education developed the whole person – mind, body and spirit. He was one of the most illuminated teachers/thinkers/feelings who was transforming societies not in his image but their image. He created biodynamic farming as health was important. This is true education which is not training for a job but awakening the potential of humanity for the betterment of humanity. We are taking a very big data step backwards.
There will not be an economic system in the future in my view, we are in the midst of major change to benefit the few over the many. Economic growth works against sustainability and ecological limits when it still promotes infinite growth as future prosperity but not survival when all collapses. Limits to Growth was advocated by Rachel Carson (Silent Spring) in her warnings about DDT and industrial pollution. She awakened others to the deception of companies in their promotion of products that are not healthy for humans. This has not changed. It is about making real choices based on integrity and a duty of care for the next generation. The young are not rebellious they feel strongly that they are not heard and nothing is changing, they know they must make deeply felt decisions. In the future indifference and making a difference cannot coexist, hatred and compassion are opposites, truth and falsehood are revealed clearly. Truth and deception are envisaged as two worlds separating as those into truth cannot bear the lie anymore in the name of greed. I saw Assange’s website of the hourglass as symbolic when I wrote the words above, we are running out of time.
Young people need to discuss and debate I created a SPEAK UP Award. They do not want to live lives where their every move is recorded, filmed or profiled, they will rebel against that type of authority, which is their job as young people.
They do not want companies knowing everything they say, think and do with predictive power. Below is a key statement by the Google CEO Eric Schmidt which makes clear the intent is the gathering of data for power not what people actually want as freedom. IT is what IT wants. When you visit sites you have to AGREE to cookies, I do not agree. Here is the quote that should alarm people:
“…With your permission, you give us more information about you, about your friends, and we can improve the quality of our searches. We don’t need you to type at all. We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about…”
What is being stated is that people should just learn to AGREE with pollution, cancer, mental health issues, what authority thinks, genetic engineering of seeds that no longer regenerate, to jail dissent rather then embrace the debate that might make you wrong (powerlessness remember).
To just simply AGREE to foreign takeovers without a whimper. To display sex as porn not love, to glorify violence and abuse and call it power, it is not. That is the Brave New World that does not invite contestable breakthrough ideas and diverse world views that could be the very liberation that even these folks crave. This is what intolerance and lack of questioning breeds and IT will NOT sustain the earth as life is living and breathing with its own blueprint or geometry (more precisely). The young want ring change that works.
- IT is devastating for the education system, the lost tenure and expertise of academics made redundant, the loss of real intellectual knowledge, the use of academia to serve business shaped by profit rather than independent intellectual research that society can trust and in its interests. This reflects Corporate power in the United States infiltrating Australia and the take over of universities by the private sector in the shape of modernising education. Influences of concern are based in Silicon Valley and a wide range of spin offs and IT start-ups in liaison with universities and governments to further their interests not the public interest. Online is a system interrupt akin to a syntax error as the source code is not the geometry of balance coupled with advanced ethics and values that unify a troubled word deeply dysfunctional funding a race to the bottom. The pathway can only be discovered in classes and dynamic conversations about politics at universities that are dynamic hotbeds of contested debate rather than dumbed down compliance education, in my view and experience. which deliberately restructuring traditional education from face to face teaching to online training using propaganda to assert that theatre style education doesn’t work. Whilst children are not stimulated by lectures alone, the curriculum is advanced here in Australia, the teaching is of a very high standard whilst they deal with challenging behaviours resultant from split families, overworking parents, junk food, junk TV of violent and superficial entertainments replacing friends, grandparents, community and playing outside in the fresh area. This type of development activates multiple intelligences.
- The delivery of online passive modules inclusive of manipulative technologies rewarding compliance with points, removing influential and professional teachers able to guide children when navigating learning and developing values reflective of a peaceful society. A large degree of knowledge is modelled by the classroom teacher and undermined by online so-called IT experts. As a teacher I have observed classroom dynamics, taught experiential education and realised the power in social emotional intelligence that cannot be programmed into modules.
- The focus on STEM, in my understanding is to remove the complicated questions of socialisation, gender, sensitivity, feeling, anti-bullying, values, ethics, nonviolence and philosophy which is about asking questions why? A computer generated program does not have the 3 dimensional reality of human interaction, visiting Auschwitz, playing with the disabled, meeting soldiers to understand about the reality of war, visiting the elderly in a nursing home, learning history from a range of viewpoints inviting those involved to hear unique perceptions, learn about drug addiction, how to make food, physical activities like juggling to rebalance left/right hemispheres and enlighten through example the reality of values as unifying and harmonising humanity. This assist in defining who we are as human beings not androids to be programmed like robots but inspire the very important questioning to determine if information delivery is fact or fiction, this is what separates intellectuals from replicative intelligences that do not know themselves or are true to themselves.
- The profiling students, personalising advertisements directed to them (outside school) and using gaming, socio emotional psychology (avatars) interventions to hook or addict young people thus shaping their attitudes, behaviours to affect neural networks of the brain. This is a big concern. Disturbing if introduced in early childhood. Computers are not dynamic human interaction which stimulates different intelligences, particularly through group discussion, challenging, assertiveness (in class), experiential activities to feel out issues, role play, theatre, humour, artistic expression, poetry, philosophy, gender politics, politics, opinions that break us out of boxes that confine knowledge to tick box education or as some describe a play list education. There are concerns with military accessing the educational space together with industry partners to shape children in the image of business as usual. This is highly concerning given the environmental collapse is directly as a result of economics which has not factored in ecological balance as it advances greed as ruthless ambition, profit maximisation as security, linear thinking as logic and rational, science intruding into the basic biology of natural systems, no limits to growth and tipping points breached on a daily basis.
- A university or educational institution monitoring, surveilling or tracking myself e.g. filmed, profiled, tracked, surveilled, private emails, hacked, spyware or monitored by the institution or other parties representing the institution. I do not consent to Future Ready technologies to be tested on me without my consent. I hold concerns for future students changing educational environments that emphasise online education designed for business not the students highest interests.
- Biotechnology altering the basic blueprint naturally selected for 6 billion years in favour of commercially beneficial altered DNA blueprints that impact natural systems and the future of the world.
- Implants or nanotechnology embedded to track or control humans restricting freedom.
- The orientation to Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEMS) as the training curriculum as dominant educational design for future students. This focus changes neurology in the brain overdeveloping the left hemisphere at the expense of the right hemisphere (refer Jill Bolte Taylor). This shuts down the feeling centres, dulls empathy sensitivity, real innovation and imagination through creativity, risk taking to explore life outside of computers, spontaneity, play and the pursuit of personal interests, desires and self expression. It will make people more suggestible and controllable. It biases towards subjects that are male dominated rather than balancing education with the humanities in equal measure. Online as a training modality changes the brain to left orientation. The world becomes black and white. This has implications for what people in the future will be able to see, feel and think, the pathways are altered. It can keep humanity in a controllable frequency disconnected from the powerful feeling state that navigates toward wisdom and solutions.
- Shape changing the world in an image favouring a group of powerful males/corporate interests stemming the real needs and wants of women, children, family life and community/peace building across the world. IT catalyses a control matrix grid of inclusion/exclusion, surveillance/profiling, data gathering/categorising, compliance/non-compliance, wealthy/poor, ruling classes/servant classes and online education to truncate intelligence to only receive knowledge rather than question IT to advance from here. Imbalance (chaos) destabilise earth systems as we are directly connected to the earth symbiotically and this impacts directly ecological imbalance based on business ideologies that are trashing the earth as they do not care.
- IT places humanity at high risk of despotism, fascism, depopulation, dis-ease, mental health issues (compliance), toxic cultures, rendition, police state structures, suppression, government as corporate/city states, no hard currency, universal income as a form of dependency, violent resolution of conflict, illegal protest, emotional disconnection shutting down shared humanity, hybrid human/machines AI.
- IT predisposes to ideologies of full spectrum dominance moving toward a machine run world to prevent the evolution of humanity. This is reflective of Aldus Huxley’s Brave New World designing society akin to a circuit board predictive systems, ensuring electrical generation, robotics, replacing jobs with Artificial Intelligence (autonomous), Smart Mega Cities (embedded sensor technologies, surveillance) to profit over decentralised self reliant communities in harmony with earth systems. This type of system is believed to favour the compliant over the non compliant who are unplugged or lose social credits if not behaving in ways approved of by those in centralised authority. This type of design impacts the poor and homeless. This is a world where democracy does not exist, human rights are suppressed and human life is dependent on the system without property or the right to assert real needs and wants. This creates a gender imbalance, despite females entering IT. IT shuts down the feminine which expresses differently through nurturing, humanity, compassion, love, child raising, sharing, equality, arts, creativity, poetry, verbal communications, gentleness, community. Importantly, children are moved online to disconnect teachers and move them into childcare to disconnect the feminine from the child. IT is re-engineering humanity.
- Unelected or compromised politicians and powerful private interests deciding the future of the world as a done city deal in their image and forcing a silent war by imposing repressive technologies that intrude in people’s lives, control and shape attitudes, behaviours and biology within compliance cultures which change neural networks of the brain, program mind control to profit the few to carry out a global agenda that is not in the interests of children or humanity.
This was unplanned up above (as below), and came from passion and a deep love for humanity. It is what informs Worldpeacefull’s terms, conditions and unconditional love that places love on the table as a powerful impetus to real change.
May through contrast the peace that passeth all understanding be resurrected, as only love is REAL.
“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”
- 1 Worldpeacefull Empowerment Training
- 2 Happiness Is Our True Nature
- 3 Clowning Around Australia
- 4 Clowning Around The World
- 5 Peace For The World
- Byron Katie in Israel 2007 – The Arab/Jew conflict
- Syria: Deadly reprisals: Deliberate killings and other abuses by Syria’s armed forces
- WWF Living Planet Summary Report 2012