Emotional Intelligence

The Golden Ratio of Dispute Resolution


This is for those who do not understand the true nature of harmony.  I am beginning to understand the blueprint of harmony and its mathematical equivalent.




How can there be infinite possibilities

When minds close?

How can understanding occur

When no-one wants to know?

How… Continue reading

The Economics of Social Medicine is About Bedside Manners

In truth in my view about the whole issue of Obamacare is about how we treat each other and ourselves.  Interestingly the tension in hospitals can often be between brush bedside manners and really helping someone.  It is the compassionate versus the detached.  I know when I was sick in hospital I… Continue reading

Sir Ken Robinson: Educating the Heart and Mind

When I was young I always felt we had potential. I remember typing at the City of London and knowing I had potential but no-one could see it. I’ve come to realise that I have to realise my talent rather than wait for others to see me. I also realised real intelligence was heart based.… Continue reading

Emotional Intelligence and Inclusion De-Escalates Violence in Schools

Emotional and social intelligence is often left out of education and workplaces, yet it is wellbeing that produces excellence, fostering problem solving, goodwill and values that ensures life is positive and liveable.  The emotions are the doorways to self knowledge they are often ignored or relegated to weakness, as a result or erroneous conditioning… Continue reading

New CIA Acting Director – An Inquiry into Emotional Intelligence?

This blog will discuss my hope in moving forward for the intelligence community. There are two excellent videos on new ways of thinking in emotional intelligence and personal inquiry in order to develop holistic vision and to ensure analysts and leaders ask the right questions. At the end of this blog is a short profile… Continue reading

United Nations: The Rights of Nature Is Our Right to Life

Interestingly, the rights of nature would not need to be regarded when we are in harmony.  I can envisage extraction industry people, politicians and those espousing business-as-usual scoffing at The Rights of Nature as an idealistic unrealistic statement.  Yet in truth it is the very life support beneath their feet.  Denial is… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”

