
The Ancient Ouroboros Arises Unity in Transformative Times

We are in interesting times. I felt inspired to write about the Ouroboros many years ago and had no idea what it meant.  I travelled to Mexico and saw the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. There is real power in life. In times of great change it may seem the world has run amok,… Continue reading

We Are A Family of Light

We Are A Family of Light


The family of pearl,

imagines the rough shell,

in the ocean of turmoil,

smoothing off the harsh edges,

to produce the pearl.


There are pearls in every family,

for the shell of the family can be hard,

emotions seen as weakness,

where one must dominate the other,… Continue reading

Kevin Costner’s Loving Speech at Whitney Houston’s Funeral

I sent love to a friend inspired by Whitney Houston’s song ‘I will always love you’. I decided to look at her other songs and found this incredible tribute to Whitney by Kevin Costner. What a sweet and wonderful man he is. I so loved his speech and sharing his personal experiences as a child… Continue reading

The New Earth Heralds Peace On Earth



21 December has arrived,
many are expecting major changes,
Yet the changes are already here,
The earth has been shaking,
The winds have been blowing a gail,
Large hail stones rain down,
Snow appears as desert storms,
The temperatures a tempest in a tea cup?
Or the… Continue reading

Dream Your Dreams No Matter What You Look Like

This is the inspirational video about Susan Boyle. She came out on the stage and looked like an unattractive middled aged housewife. It was interesting watching the faces of the male judges, particularly when she wiggled her hips. Like she had no right to sexuality as they deemed her unattractive and you could see the… Continue reading

Gandhi discusses Tolerance, Forgiveness and Trust


Mutual Toleration

The golden rule of conduct … is mutual toleration, seeing that we will never all think alike and we shall always see Truth in fragment and from different angles of vision. Conscience is not the same thing for all. Whilst, therefore, it is a good guide for individual conduct, imposition of… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”

