We Are A Family of Light

We Are A Family of Light


The family of pearl,

imagines the rough shell,

in the ocean of turmoil,

smoothing off the harsh edges,

to produce the pearl.


There are pearls in every family,

for the shell of the family can be hard,

emotions seen as weakness,

where one must dominate the other,

as service to self reins,

and resolution is framed,

as self interest.


I’ve seen the disagreements,

I’ve felt the disapproval,

voices raised,

doors slamming,

anger surfacing as hatred burns,

when we never learn,

self reflection.


I’ve watched the turmoil,

I’ve seen the unhappiness,

I’ve questioned the modus operandi,

to discover being right is might,

as the truth is discarded in the collesium

of our discontent.


Yet the little plant of hope still grows,

in the harshest conditions,

as the heart petitions to life to find the answers,

to look into psychology,

to look at the chronology,

as events unfold there is always a pattern,

that separates the silk from the satin,

as words unfurl like latin,

as drama’s are kept alive from memory,

yet I always wonder…

what would love do next…


Unconditional love,

loves you under all conditions,

it sees beyond the mask of duality,

it sees into reality,

that we are one love,

one breath,

one life,

seeking happiness,

I imagine the truth sets me free,

to always see,

the beauty in me,

for this is the beauty in you,

that is eternal.


So I ask all who are fighting,

please put down all weapons,

please be still,

lean upon the window sill and look out of your window,

clear away the smudges and grit,

to see clearly we must submit,

to truth and reconciliation,

find the round table where all can sit in equality,

for King Arthur’s court was the holy grail,

it was the transmutation of all conflict into love,

to see each as a brother or sister,

but first take the log out of your own eye,

and then you will see clearly

to take the speck out of your brother’s (sister’s) eye,

for the eyes are the windows of the soul,

as what you see in another is a reflection of your role,

it is never the true self.


Peace is the pure joy of knowing this,

peace is the love that has no ending nor beginning,

peace is the truth that sets us all free,

to see the story isn’t true,

for who would we be without our story?

perhaps free to live in peace for now,

for this is the happy destiny that never ends,

It is the god send,

emerging from the pearl of self realisation,

for all are a family of light,

joining together in enlightenment.





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Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
