Middle East

The Middle East Wars Are About Oil

It is important to understand the root cause of wars if the veterans and civilians are to be truly served.

The key question is – are they defending their country or defending energy interests?

Is this public service or serving industry?

Is there an alternative to oil?   Nicola Tesla invented free energy, why… Continue reading

Gandhi’s View of Zionism

I feel on publishing this to look at anti-semetism as this is often levelled at any critique of Israel under the mask of ‘jews’.  I make clear my own views have nothing to do with discrimination but more to do with a search for truth.  When I see any person suffering I look… Continue reading

Democracy in Israel Says Miko Peled The General’s Son from IDF to peacemaker

Miko Peled (born 1961 in Jerusalem) is an Israeli-American activist, author, and karate instructor. He is author of the books The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine[1] and Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five.[2] He is also an international speaker.… Continue reading

Peace in the Middle East Arises as ‘Public Interest’ Realises Love is Truly Y/OUR Answer

This is an article from the Elders a group of peacemakers. Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary General talks about the need for peace in Israel and Palestine.  I am writing this noticing I wrote “in” not between.   There is a deeper truth.  We cannot facilitate peace unless there is a… Continue reading

21 year old Gazan nurse Razan al-Najjar shot dead at the Gaza-Israel border

Who is the enemy?  Is it those who differ?  Is it dissenters?  What is democracy?  What is international law?  What of the international criminal court? 
Who are we in relationship to this? 
Razan seems a lovely young nurse seeking to save lives. 
I contemplate… Continue reading

A Message to Israel: The Wailing Wall or Another Brick in the Wall?

This video I produced is called World Peace Plan and Israel.  It is a message I felt inspired to send.  The message is for those in Australia who feel to control rather than embrace true democray in the resolution of conflict and embracing of difference.  I send love to all.  For… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

