War Crimes

Is the War on Terror Killing Innocent People in the Middle East?

I remember when I was on the Rotary Peace and Conflict Studies Program in Bangkok.  I asked our teacher, a counter-intelligence officer in response to civilian deaths in Southern Thailand: “who is the enemy”, I asked a few more questions and then asked “are the public the enemy”.  I said it in quick… Continue reading

War Crimes in Burma is the Longest Dispute for the Heart of Freedom

This footage was located on Twitter. 

Investigate the dispute and it is evident this is a regime that must be tried for war crimes.  I went to the border myself and met with the back packing doctors, teachers trying to save their people from the Burmese military.  From a peace perspective other… Continue reading

Australian Military Training the Burmese Military Why?

Australia has entered the arms trade and this is very concerning for world peace.  My wish was that Australia become a peacemaker or international mediator as former Foreign Minister Gareth Evans had attempted in Cambodia many years ago. Instead it appears the government is focused on GDP or following allies into an industry that… Continue reading

Natural Wind Disaster or Human Gas Disaster?

I was starting to watch some footage of Hurricane Irma but my heart is asking me to look at Syria.  I haven’t watched the war.  The feeling is can we feel compassion for other people like our own? The US goes through its fears of disaster, so focused.  The Syrians are still… Continue reading

Taking a Chance to Question the Sacred Cow of the Military

I send this message with love to the military, the families and supporters and the targets, the other side and their families and supporters who suffered equally.  I have met many soldiers, listened to their stories and atrocities and those opposed to war.

It is important to question, questioning is at the heart of… Continue reading

The Earth Song Is For Every Government, Soldier and Global Society

Michael Jackson’s Earth Song is very powerful. At the end of the song there is a soldier.  I really love the compassion shown the soldier.  All soldiers are suffering and those that send them into war are following a tradition of violence that is unquestioned.  When compassion arises and we see ourselves… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

