
Human Services Robo-debt Servicing Debt or Welfare?

This quote below is extracted from the article below, it is a core statement and drives to the heart of the problem.

DHS acting deputy secretary of Integrity and Information Jason McNamara told the Finance and Public Administration References Committee on Friday the data-matching program went well.   “The department’s view would be, we… Continue reading

100 Million Facing Starvation – War or Peace?

The issue of war and peace in my worldview is to do with our disconnection with our true nature. We have disconnected our emotional wellbeing as we became caught up in inner/outer conflict. Climate change is a mirror of our own inner turmoil.  Food aid is like a bandaid but whilst it buys time… Continue reading

Africa: Extreme Hunger The World’s Mount Olympus

If extreme hunger happened in Australia or the US or Canada, what would be the media’s reaction? When numbers range from potentially 11 million to 23 million, it is impossible to conceive of such desperation.  Yet the news focuses on much smaller tragedies as rating a mention or the usual news items. At the… Continue reading

Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

