A Sad Tailing? Is it OK to Mine Nature?

I went through a process of deep reflection on mining.  I can see the sad tale here repeated across the globe in lots of different disputes between multinationals and indigenous people.  I see the latter perceiving themselves as vulnerable as they don’t have the education or the money to receive justice.  Our judicial systems are expensive so it becomes clear that often the battle grounds are not level playing fields. Instead psychologically these battles are like the metaphorical David and Goliath, it comes down to what you believe.   Do you think you can achieve your goal?

Now what was that story again… let’s repeat it here for the intrigue of it…


The Israelites trembled as they heard the voice of Goliath.  Nobody was brave or strong enough to fight with this giant Philistine.  One day, David came to the Israelites’ camp to see his brothers.  He heard the words of Goliath.  He was amazed that the Israelites were all afraid.  “I will go and fight with this Philistine” David said.  When the king knew about David’s intention, he said “You are not able to fight for you are a youth, and the Philistine is a man of war”.  David replied “The lord who saved me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear when I kept my father’s sheep, will deliver me.” The king said “Go, then, and the Lord shall be with you.”  Unarmed, except for his staff, his shepherd’s sling and a few stones, David went to confront the giant.   
Goliath was angry when he saw that the Israelites sent a shepherd boy to meet him.  “Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks and stones?” Goliath shouted.  “Today the Lord will deliver you into my hands and all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” David replied.  David ran fearlessly towards the Philistine giant, he slipped one of the stones into his sling, and skillfully flung it so that it hit Goliath in the forehead, who fell to the ground. 

What is interesting in this story is that just because the opposition appears strong does that mean you are weak? Just imagine if you have the faith that you can move mountains.  I see that all of us are equal, it can just appear that some are stronger than others.  If you believe or have faith in yourself or even some higher justice, aligned with your natural virtues, feeling positive then perhaps you experience what David did symbolically and spiritually.  Much of the battle is to do with overcoming fear and inner feelings of inadequacy and weakness.  This belief or faith applies equally to the indigenous people and those within big multinational companies who believe they also have no power. We always have power within and always a lesson is sitting there to be discovered, as we go through our struggle we learn a great deal about ourselves, others and in facing fear, growth occurs which is the real wealth, it has nothing to do with money. It is the fools gold that reaps the real reward. You feel yourself as stronger, this is where true strength comes from – facing fear. Interesting hey.

Here is my poem dedicated to all those who feel they have no power.

A Sad Tailing?  Is it OK to Mine Nature?


This is a sad tailing,

Is it OK to mine nature?


Why do you see me as primitive?

Does that give you license to pollute?

For you can buy out the villages to suit,

How can you pollute the rivers with impurity,

How can you continue to do this with impunity?


The multinational company sees the opportunity cost in law suits,

You see the other as third world inferior races,

You can destroy the livelihoods of thousands as they have no voice,

So many are crying rivers of tears for they feel they have no choice.


Many fear for the health and future of their children’s children,

As the mine leaches chemicals in a natural system

is that OK?

Chemical bonds break families apart

is that ofay?

For there are no systematic rules,

Only fools who rig the system,

For the river is a dead end,

The village dies as lead ends up in the food chain,

As the lawyers fight with suits for financial gain,

Yet no-one can afford not to sustain.


Where are companies that discharge responsibility?

That train in ethical decision making?

That understand the making of emotional intelligence maketh the man?

That integrate human values with environmental impacts and due diligence?

80 million tons of tailings are the failings of social corporate responsibility,

Flowing down the river of Australian shame each year,

As power erects its shadow of fear given impenetrable membranes,

Profiting over people,

For they are unable to stand in their shoes,

when they are bare.


The people must decide to sink or swim,

As their government curries favour,

As they sink in the mud,

As human rights to live in a natural environment

are traded for foreign exchange,

But how can you exchange the health of a river for compensation for those of ill health?

Who can wait 300 years to clean up toxic contamination?

If under examination – is it ever clean particularly when not seen?

Are we talking environmental vandalism or racism?

Is this a crime against nature or is this the nature of environmental crime?

For these are the questions in an age good at coming up with many reasons,

Yet I have heard no conscientious objection,

Seasoning outcomes so all can win.


I see exploiters return home to well off families,

With stories justifying positions,

In homes that are mansions set up for life,

Built on toxic poisons,

Living off mining booms and environmental destruction,

Before the bubble bursts,

Excess profits and societal deconstruction are the twin towers,

As all profit from excess capacity of fossils that fill the coppers for the top brass,

In boys clubs that strategise in big cities after dark,

Feeling no pity only figuring how to keep open

pit mines resourcing lifestyles,

That leave gaping holes and a cold harsh face,

That leads a race to the bottom of many pork barrels,

As economic growth is an obsessive mantra,

That will not stop until sleepers awaken,

To the truth of what is right and might,

To reclaim the right

of being human.


For this is the message sent out across the entire earth,

The gold bar OR the planet?

For you must choose,

Do we all win or allow nature to lose?

For we will always lose when nature is lost,

As this was never an opportunity cost,

Or externality to be discharged or offset,

It is finality with no opportunity left,

As it costs the lives of generations.


The generation of energy must focus on what is free,

For this is to SEE

A future of real possibilities,


From corruption, fear, hunger and greed,

For this is the good seed of universal human rights giving


That becomes the new universal creed,

As we germinate a new generation,

Who feel the sensation of truth as love for all others,

As we are all sisters and brothers,


As the dove lands on the shoulders of those who know,

To tell the blind horseman on the blind horse

that he is heading towards the abyss,

For it is time to kiss Philosophers Stone and discard the blarney stone,

to discover your own


Transforming into owning your stewardship,


For this is the only way you can turn wine into water

as the true elixir,

Of life.






Mohandas Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”
