Face Your Fear if You Desire True Peace

I had a dream of the Nazi’s and Jews and what I felt clearly was we have to face all fear.  I saw a documentary called Hitlers Children where the children of Nazi leaders were suffering from the legacy their grandfathers/fathers left for them.  They identified with the shame and guilt, as many Germans have.  What was interesting was the grandson of Rudolph Haess went to Auschwitz and he was invited to speak in front of Jewish people who had lost family members. He shared with them his outrage and despair at the concentration camp. I thought about the neo-Nazi’s who see power in Hitler’s cruelty yet if they were to investigate their fear they would see a sense of powerlessness and fear in difference. They would see violence is not power but fear bullying as they are seeking power over. Haess’s grandson saw nothing but shame when he was faced with the reality of the coldness that can murder so many millions of innocent people and the blind faith that never questions. He spoke of his father sharing the same coldness as his grandfather, barking orders but not showing any warmth to the children. He said he tried to be a good father to his children. I think that is a powerful statement for peace in the future. Interestingly when he was at Auschwitz a man put his hand up in the audience. He was a Holocaust survivor, he asked to shake his hand. They actually hugged and the grandson cried. The survivor reassured him that he didn’t do it, he was not to blame. The people were kind to the grandson and I could sense a powerful healing as forgiveness happened as they all faced the fear around this horrific event. The grandson left them with the impression of kind German’s and that for me, was a beautiful moment. Fear is behind great atrocities and cruelty. Fear blocks love and feeds off hate. When you see others as yourself and allow yourself to feel, another world of humanity opens up and real connection occurs. The lack of empathy is what enables one person to harm another and not care at all. Brainwashing calls it justified and finds reasons to believe a cruel action is for the best. Such is delusion. Love is the only door that sees reality as it is. I send love to all people suffering. It seems from this documentary, the suffering has been both sides.

My dream clearly showed me we have to face all fear to be healed of the past.  To no longer carry it with us as a burden.  It is time to let go.  It is not easy but it is the only way to move forward. 


Look for the Sun Behind the Clouds


Fear – false evidence appearing real,

It is the barrier,

It is a wall,

When faced,

It is called freedom.


There is no enemy outside of you,

Fear is the unquestioned thought that you believe,

It haunts,

It taunts,

It keeps you running in circles,

It worries you deep into the night,

It seeks protection from prisoners of conscience,

It is the pit in your stomach that is the empty well,

The feeling of powerless wearing the mask of another is the spell,

But when you investigate,

When you seek to know,

Fear hides in your shadow and stays below,

Pretending others are to blame,

Yet that is the game,

Played out by you,

For when you face it,

When you shine light on the dilemma,

The snake turns into a rope,

As the past transforms into better weather,

And rivers wash away the built up debris,

of broken dreams.


We are in a World of denial,

No – it is not a river in Egypt,

It is what you refuse to look at,

You say I can’t deal with that,

You distract yourself with alcohol,

You compartmentalise your mind

Separating issues into boxes,

You ignore the hard work of healing fissures,

That keeps opening up as new wounds,

Hoping the shadows will blow away,

But they follow you into the next …




Until you find the courage to stop running,

To make peace with where you are,

To be out of control,

To feel strange in a new role,

For this is to be the change,

That changes the future,

As you are always the creator of what you see,

Changing your thoughts will set you free.


Fear and projection are bed fellows,

What we deny we project onto the canvas of another’s life,

We make them wrong for we are always right,

Sound familiar?

They made us do it,

They made us unhappy,

They are the cause for stress,

When the stressful thought sits in the minds ceiling,

As it has the power to frame your day,

If you allow it.


Peace is the absence of fear,

It is not rose coloured,

It is the state of your being addressed,

It is the desire to clear every dark corner,

It knows the truth intuitively,

Seeking light through the window of inquiry,

As untruths are clouds parting the sky for insights,

You say  “ah ha” and then laugh at the folly,

Your power returns like the sun disc feeling so jolly,

Bright and illuminating,

Empowered and energising,

Aware and realising,

The real life beyond space and time.


You are now contemplating what feels good,

What feels right for you (not the other),

What creative action you can take to climb that higher ladder,

To face all mistakes from another perspective,

That sees the trees rather than the wood,

That knows the forest community rather than

seeking resources and profiting.


Namaste means no mistake,

Life has a habit of giving you want you need,

Not what you want,

For you were never in control,

You were never your role,

You can come in from the cold into the warmth of a renewable understanding of your fortunate life.


Remember you are the kite alas the thermal,

You are the sunshine alas the sun,

You are the dream that is awakening,

For fear was never real,

Yet it anchors the negative with the positive,

And contrasts help us to see what is real,

Tracing the outline,

Feeling the silhouette,

Moulding the shape of your life as it heals,

When you truly understand and reveal,

That only love is real,

And that is how all conflicts resolve,

It is the sacred seal that revolves,

Marking a new beginning,

To discover your thousand names for Joy.


Mohandas Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
