Natural Ecosystems Still Exist Alongside Ancient Villages

I remember when I flew into Russia to clown with Patch Adams. I was struck looking out the window from the plane the lush forests that literally divided East from West. Even when I flew from the UK to Europe I was again struck by how every square inch is cultivated. Of course I’ve seen that in the United States, asian countries and so on.

This video below is depicting remote areas of Romania. To find that there are still places on the planet where people live traditional lives in pristine environments in harmony with a wealth of knowledge and skills on how to survive. As Prince Charles says in the video below, we are taking it for granted. I saw clearly the capitalist system has transformed the face of the earth in the name of profit, we have lost so much of the natural world and it is irreplaceable. Yet I feel in these remote places the people will survive the massive changes coming to this world. We are all stewards and responsible for the earth, when we see all places as our home and speak up, I think much good can come. Do we wait for it to collapse or get restoring?

Doing nothing means silently our people are losing more and more of our true nature. We are intimately linked to nature think of all the poems, literary works, paintings, lifestyles around the world all dependent on the natural system for sustenance, it is given freely. We are the ones who put a price on it out of self interest, rather than best interest and we take it mercilessly without thought of the whole.

Note we cannot eat money, we have to come to balance in respect of how we live life and how we see the natural world. If we see it as a commodity to generate personal wealth we are out of balance with the natural rhythm, if we see it as ourselves and honour nature as another facet in the diamond of life, then we will learn to live with nature without taking too much.

In truth progress is egress and there is a wall waiting. For larger than the Great Wall of China, for more impenetrable than the Berlin wall, this is the thickest psychological wall that has been created thorugh the promotion of greed as success and a whole system built around it. The wall we hit is the limit to growth, growth of course is a misnomer, we cannot grow infinitely by consuming at much higher rates than replenishment. The ipods, flatbed screens, cars, houses, consumerables that entertain us and fill the psychological gaps in our lives where love used to keep us warm, are the drivers of this collapse. We are living in greed not need and that is the imbalance referred to.

We will learn the hard way probably and we will find that returning to a natural state of being is very peaceful, healthy and suddenly new relationships will arise as we get to know our community, we feel a sense of belonging, we no longer feel tired and inept, we have purpose and a sense of connection, you cannot imagine the beauty of such a pristine life where you are tuned into natures heartbeat.

I recall only a brief time when I stayed at a permaculture place in France where we lived off the vegetables and fresh water. I remember feeling the health effect of such a pristine environment. I can’t imagine how I would survive completely off nature as I am domesticated as are you. We know nothing about the natural world. I recommend we all start learning. I just bought Bill Mollison’s permaculture for design book. I will have to get my act together and learn about this earth that is alien to me. When we all do we will start to realise the true value of this life found in clean air, soil, water and food supply it was never about imagined success, money and materialism. With one in four suffering mental illness it has not brought the real wealth of happiness into our lives, and this indeed was the promise of a material life. Yes we have our comforts but imagine a life where you feel vibrantly alive and every day has purpose. As you move into a natural state of being (mind, body and spirit) you will naturally feel happy.

Let’s learn together before it is too late, when its gone its gone kids.

Enjoy this video of another way of life and beautiful untouched forests.

Romania documentary featuring pristine forests,village life and Tourism

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Mohandas Gandhi

“God has no religion”
