F.B.I. For Peace

I felt inspired to write this with love and in truth. We are one planet and one species. It is time for all of us to work together. We are all on the same side.


The future benefit of intelligence,
Will view the world through the prism of the peacemaker,
As it dawns on those analyzing events that security is about service,
That the many colours can come together under a new enlightenment in alignment,
To no longer think in lines and columns of old paradigms that end the game,
But to play the world peace game inviting you to play with new possibilities,
Transforming national interest into resolving real conflict within,
Rather than revolving door conflicts of wars without end,
To benefit the few at the expense of the many,
Is not in the majorities interest.

The wise know …
What you resist persists and what you look at disappears,
And this means simply seeing things as they are without projection,
For some see the cup and others see the cup is not real,
Building profiles from fragmented jigsaw pieces made to fit,
Distorts the real image of the big picture,
For the real profile of the world is the smiling human face at peace,
Sadly at present this is a race to the bottom,
A system collapse,
Risking the global security of billions,
From a syntax error of judgement,
For it is the wake up call for governance,
That sets off real alarm bells,
As nature speaks,
Are you listening?

Buckminster Fuller sees the world as one,
He sees the disparate governments pulling in all directions,
Wasting energy,
As tied donkeys that compete rather than cooperate to share food,
To find in the end the needle in the haystack is the keyhole of wisdom,
When one looks to see a Pandora’s box is a rubrics cube of a billion combinations,
Each combination seeks for harmony when the patterns match,
It is time to pull the threads together to strengthen the real social fabric,
Inherent within the tapestry of humanity.

Yet to win is to move as one species in the same direction,
From chaos to a unified field theory,
Stepping out of boxes and into compartments of peace
rather than falling to pieces,
Forming bridges of understanding over troubled waters,
For the I Ching is a hexagram of 3 moving lines and 3 broken lines,
For only working together can we cross the great stream,
As the bridge of peace is balance found not by chance,
Always the wise meeting in the middle,
As they see your interests as their own,
For the middle is to share the earth equally,
For no-one is greater or lesser than anyone else,
To negotiate with the spirit of life, liberty and happiness
For our children,
For these are the founding fathers and mothers
that value parenthood.

Unified fields of flowers without theory,
Opens to the emotions as intelligence integration,
Destructive wars are not intelligent,
Motherhood statements see into the future of children,
Feeling for the future with compassion and intuition,
Is to see your children when you come home,
For it is the children whom we are all working for,
And they depend on you to feed and love them with balance,

Yet what happens when the topsoil blows off across the ocean?
When the ice caps melt and sea level rises in high motions?
When the poles reverse and the axis shifts?
Did we interpret the hieroglyphs of disappeared civilizations?
For they left codes for you to understand not break,
To understand real security is a higher intelligence,
That loves.

For this is indeed a global emergency,
As the challenge looks upon the earth from a new perspective,
Instead of warring parties,
There is a misunderstanding moving from parity,
Instead of those with us or against us we see clarity,
For there are wise solutions,
And the first step peaceful resolution,
For this is the win/win that does not force,
That rises above suppression,
To full expression of the diversity of nonviolence.

We are each others brothers and sisters,
And it is indeed one family when the fighting stops,
And we see we need each other,
When the economic averages drop,
For diversity is like changing seasons,
As contrasts show us to ourselves as if a mirror,
To find what is warm what is cold,
For the climate has definitely changed,
And the real wealth of humanity always yields
positive futures.

We are here one minute to midnight,
In an epiphany we all see the blue planet
as the miracle of one life,
A blue print of life forms 4 billion years in the evolving,
Expanding horizons to help us see sanity in unity,
Extending peace treaties further than self interest.

The natural world is an intelligent life well in-formed,
It is not base metals, minerals and simple biological compounds,
It is a living system of perennial blooms so profound,
That respond and react to salient signals you cannot see,
A modus operandi of homeostasis,
Seeking equilibrium as the middle path,
Which moves in harmony until zero point,
As all parts communicate with the whole,
And the whole is not run without command and control,
It is intelligent life that is the sacred balance,
A holistic geometric system,
Of interrelationships, exchanges and bio-feedback loops
of intel information,
Each part of the system serves the another unconditionally,
For the foundation tree of life is not in competition,
It is cooperating in a harmonic convergence in all matters,
And the competition between wild life is merely territorial boundaries,
To ensure balanced food supplies in a world without war.

In truth diversity is not competing interests,
Balance symbolizes the justice in liberty,
Meeting in the middle to give abundance to all,
As the web of life recycles all litter as energy,
And this is the free energy that is a global common,
Microbiology breaks down to build up,
All life is genetically modified by natural selection,
That has no need to maximize profit,
When the prophet knows only balance.

So when you are working late at night,
You are over tired,
To find no brief is short as human life is a complicated portfolio,
Know there is another way to see the trees not the wood,
To close your eyes and feel the breath you did not buy on credit,
When you look at the body that is not man made,
When you see your fingers on the keyboard that dance as they type,
To wriggle your toes and move your legs,
The feeling is coming back,
That is when you know you are part of life on earth,
And the earth knows you.

Remember you are a precious and valued,
Your are unique and a one off snowflake,
Each moment is a treasure chest of possibilities,
For the future is calling each of us to respond,
To benefit from our natural intelligence rather than grey matters,
To put our intelligence to good use,
To be used by those who are good,
For we are moving from intelligence gathering to wisdom circles,
And this is the mustard seed that moves mountains,
As we become clear about the molehills,
For the earth is changing,
The deck chairs are rearranging,
To find the titanic need not become a carbon sink.
As we re-think our common future,
Is in your highest interests.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“My life is my message.”
