Democracy Now: Koch Industries, the Nazi’s and Self Realisation


The key issue here is about right wing groups engaging in politics but without a political party, and in the case of the United States spending more than the Conservative party.  The Koch brothers back the right wing groups spending over $900 million in political donations currying unprecedented influence.

Democracy Now introduce the book Dark Money by Jane Mayer depicting how this right wing group fund right wing think tanks e.g. Dow university funding and funding climate deniers. Their empire is dubbed the Kochtopus as it is so vast.

It appears the father Fred Koch was an industrialist who helped built the third largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany which assisted the Nazi war machine and was approved personally by Adolph Hitler.  The contract started in 1934 and finished in 1935.  He refined oil as a high octane fuel that was efficient for the Luftwaffe aircraft.  Before that he built an oil refinery for Joseph Stalin’s Russia.   This raises the issue of American companies assisting tyrannical regimes and the question of can business interests and the negative intent of a regime be separated? Should companies only engage in ethical investments?

Fred Koch was an original leader the right wing John Birth Society.  His son Charles Koch became a member and was part of this group when the group campaigned against civil rights movement.  The Environmental Protection Agency named Koch Industries as the single biggest producer of toxic waste.  Mayer explains she had a brush with their empire and was profiled given her report about the Koch brothers featured in the New Yorker.  She states a private firm was hired to discredit her reporting.  Apparently they had alos sought to undermine Obama.

Jane Mayer indicates that Fred Koch worked with the Nazi’s and made money from them.  It is reported that he had a partner, William Rhodes Davis, who worked with him and was a Nazi agent.  She indicates that Adolf Hitler green lighted the project and gave Fred a signed copy of his philosophy Mein Kampf refer

The Koch family had a German nanny who brought up the boys Frederick and Charles. It is reported that she was a Nazi sympathizer and felt fervor about Nazism desiring to leave and celebrate with Hitler.  It appears the boys world views were influenced by her and hence, Nazism.   The father also worked for Stalin (Stalin’s 5 year plan). Apparently, when Fred came back to the US he was horrified by Stalin and became a vitriolic anti-communist and passed these views on to his sons.  The Koch brothers were members of the right wing John Birth Society.

The interviews below (Part 1 and Part 2) reveal the power blocks behind the lack of change.  American public opinion supports action on climate change and Jane Mayer asks the question of what holds up the US Congress? money and fossil fuel interests and others is the answer.

The right wing movement begins in 1976 as there was a plan by Charles Koch to build a radical movement to change the way America voted and thought, to destroy the status paradigm, the movement modelled on the John Birch Society.  He built the network to push the country in his preferred direction.

Their fortune is build on fossil fuels, they are refiners, they own a tremendous number of pipelines and the tar sands in Canada.  She surmises that if the US moved away from fossil fuels it would be catastrophic to the Koch’s business.

The denial of climate change goes back to the Koch network, there is around 400 members.  The members include well known players and fossil fuel interests.  Hedge funds were involved, inclusive of well known finance figures with extraordinarily wealthy.  The financiers worked hard to keep tax breaks for billionaires. The hedge funds – carry interest loop hole refer  There were floods of money to keep loop holes open, they pay 15% tax which is lower than taxpayers.

Stealth is about Charles Koch political history.  Jane describes the family feud between the brothers in the family.  The four brothers were in court for 20 years fighting over who would run the company.  A estranged brother, Bill Koch commissioned a historian to research what the other brother, Charles was doing.  It was discovered there was a secret plan by Charles to manipulate American politics, this book was called ‘Stealth’.  Refer background

She reveals the family intrigue which is an internal war.  They accuse their brother Frederick of being gay and sought a meeting, he left not wanting to ever speak of it.  Apparently, the two brothers Charles and David triumphed over the other two brothers and own the whole company.  The two left out received inheritances and went their own way.  She indicates the company has a huge history of environmental violations.

Jane Mayer asserts the Koch’s have manufactured political change.  Charles Koch at one point ran for office on the libertarian ticket, they were so far right that running against Ronald Regan was believed to be too liberal. They are defined as the furthest fringe in US politics.  Some Conservatives denounced their views, notably William Buckley who called their views anarcho totalitarianism.

She refers to the founding of The Freedom School.  This school taught fanatical libertism, that was anarchism, autoarchist with the intent to shrink the government where the government couldn’t tax.  Charles Koch was a trustee of the school.  This is a very interesting link here to Robert LeFevre who ran the school and his quest for world peace.  He has my attention here.  Refer  Further research reveals this Freedom School mentioned in Wikipedia referring to the I AM movement.  I have come across the I AM books that influenced their philosophy Refer  The I AM commentaries refer to the Ascended Masters, in particular Saint Germain who is considered the inspiration of this movement.  I have a I AM book amongst my books. I have read about the Ascended Masters.  I have to smile as it is the last influence I would have expected the Freedom School to be about.  The actual text is high level but it is based on unconditional love.

According to Wikipedia “…The movement teaches that the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent creator God (‘I AM’ – Exodus 3:14) is in all of us as a spark from the Divine Flame, and that we can experience this presence, love, power and light – and its power of the Violet Consuming Flame of Divine Love – through quiet contemplation and by repeating ‘affirmations’ and ‘decrees’. By affirming something one desires, one may cause it to happen…”   

The flame is visualised to be used to clear negativity on all energy levels. It is used in pranic healing.

I came across the I AM commentaries 5 years ago and felt drawn to them as well.  I found them to be positively related to peace and of an esoteric nature. Those in the New Age genre are familiar with Saint Germain and the violet flame.  The commentaries feature a range of Ascended Masters in another dimensional form.  So this would be high level spiritualism in my view that he was drawn to.  I find that interesting given they are conservatives.

Libertarianism is posted here to have a look at it, it is ironic to see it is a left wing philosophy.  Refer  Hence here we are exploring extreme right wing politics that has its roots in the left wing that seeks to abolish capitalism and private ownership.  Here is the where it was distorted, I note anarcho capitalism.

…In the United States, modern right-libertarian ideologies, such as minarchism and anarcho-capitalism, co-opted the term in the mid-20th century to instead advocate laissez-faire capitalism and strong private property rights, such as in land, infrastructure, and natural resources…”

I wish to contemplate the I AM in relation to Koch brothers and Libertarianism that was transformed into Adam Smith’s laissez faire (invisible hand).  The swan song here is freedom.  They are reaching for a power here that they do not understand.  Like all humans they are connected to a higher nature.  Power was distorted by the influence of totalitarianism and the desire for total personal control.  Yet the power of the I AM is really about presence, the now moment, it is not about  power over anyone. Saint Germain’s violet flame is about transmutation of base mentals into gold (alchemy), it is used purify energy fields of negative energy into positive, interestingly enough.  So this becomes distorted when negative intention is used to denounce opposition or those deemed an enemy, yet evoking freedom.  The I AM is essentially oneness, the real freedom is in surrender of the ego (separated self) to allow life to carry or flow your existence.  I am practicing this allowance as I am without money and without a home.  So the origin of the I AM teachings is really about harmony, allowance, no control and yes naturally capitalism is not there as it is not needed as life is the ultimate provider of all needs. The real invisible hand that moves in accordance to thoughts (creative) not money.  It is not surprising that indigenous people were spiritual, when you rely on life you sense the power of nature and its intelligence, one only look at a plant to see the sacred geometry and intelligent design.  Where this pure teaching gets distorted is by other teachings like economics, laissez faire in the knowledge that wealth is generated by supply and demand without any regulatory impediments to personal wealth, it becomes the distorted mirror of abundance.

I have to say I see innocence in the misunderstanding and I have noticed it before with the military in their search for power.  I remember writing a blog on the Talisman Sabre joint US/Australia military war games and realised they too were seeking this magical power.  We are all human, we all at some point sense this power as it is within everyone but it gets distorted given our level of consciousness.  I know that Charles is still working it out given his speech featured on Democracy Now where he provides a textbook example of serving customers and has a belief anyone can become wealthy following the formula but his life has been privileged he hasn’t lived in the world where most people do not give you what you want, discriminations occur, biases, injustices, class judgements, educational advantages, how you look, how much you earn, family name – all these become the levers that open doors to success or close them. It is in truth, a disempowered existence for the majority where they feel they have no power, hence powerlessness as the primary reason for conflict.

The I AM teachings are emerging through current teachers such as Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie in the sense of teaching about stillness and Byron Katie questioning reality for truth (is it or is it not) and how beliefs cause suffering.  Of course suffering is the catalyst for violence. So the eternal wisdom reappears again and again until we are mature enough to realise it. Truth is eternal in reality.

The videos will provide more historical content to the Koch’s and explain further why our leaders haven’t responded to earth changes, why we haven’t felt empathy for our brothers and sisters and why now it is a good time to wake up to the power politics shape changing our world before it is too late.

I send love to the Koch brothers.  I see the error and it was innocent in my view, as they too were shape changed.  The question for them is can they realise their lives?  I recommend they go back to the I AM commentaries and read them slowly, particularly where it points to unconditional love and the oneness of all life.  The commentaries are about inner freedom and empowerment.  We are indeed ONE.

I feel inspired to add these posts for the Koch brothers if life brings them to this blog.  I know I had some interest from Wichita for years, I wonder if it was associated with them or other right wing advocates.  I am into nonviolence and there are those that perceive that as problematic when they justify warfare.  Perhaps when they stop fighting for energy our world will realise world peace as was the original intent of the authentic Freedom schools.  My poem:


A discussion on violence:

The interview features Jane Mayer, author Dark Money and staff writer for the New Yorker.




Mohandas Gandhi

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
