Is Full Spectrum Dominance Freedom?

I am learning of Full Spectrum Dominance and my first feeling is it will not work.  It is actually not possible is my feeling.  I think of parents trying to control children, bosses trying to control staff, governments trying to control populations and I know it won’t work.  Why?  Life has its own rhythm. Life is alive and expansive.  Life, like energy transforms.  It is not in the power of humans that transformation occurs it is in allowing life where transformation is natural.  It is when we completely change our worldview.  I feel for those into dominance they indeed will transform but not in the way they think.

When I contemplate dominance and the many people I have met who believe they can force, control, bully and reshape.  They never succeeded.  Why?  People moved away from them, when they forced they created resistance, they became stressed as it takes energy to do this and maintain it and in the end they had to surrender to far greater forces, life.  Wisdom comes in older age as we begin to realise that control doesn’t work and that in truth it is our problem not the others.

I see this mentality play out in the families, communities, media, government, military, leaders and all it causes is more resistance empowering the opposite.  Nature is not linear you see, it is circular.  Nature is true flexibility that adapts to change.  Nature is programmed for equilibrium which is efficient.  Peace is not a us or them it is a natural state that rests in non-action enabling action to happen with a flow not force.  Peace is not a persuasive option it is our true nature when we stop thinking.  For those profiting from the opposite of peace eventually they too will come to see that what goes around comes around.  The cyber experiment going on right now is a case in point.  The desire to control moves this experiment to expand it into people’s lives to ensure all data is captured, uncertainty is minimised so that predictability happens and any unforeseen problems are responded to.  However, it is available to a wide range of people and leaks will occur as control breeds freedom, the desire to break through or break out or indeed break free.  As I’ve said in my videos the more one pushes against the more the other creates as a natural response to imbalance.  I note some speak of imbalance as disruption, these attitudes just create more dramas from which others disrupt as life is the mirror.

I marvel that we still haven’t come very far.   I observe that we make the same mistake over and over still believing enemies are out there when they are always projected from within.  People still use peace as a goal when it was never a goal, it was a word used to legitimise violence, bullying or control.  The real peace has no control, no bullying and no desire to control events.  It realises that it is not in control as peace is there.  I will give you an example so you don’t fixate on this as a doctrine, it is not, it is a natural law.  When a person get’s cancer and they know they can’t give up they fight to survive.  They fight to win against the dis-ease (written accurately).  When they are told by the doctor “I am sorry you have cancer throughout your body you have one week”.  The person relaxes and surrenders.  This is the point they realise peace.  As they are no longer in control they allow life to take its course and die hopefully allowing the experience.

Let’s play with surrender.  A term that is anathema to those who have been deeply trained into winning as triumph.  What if we play with the idea of surrender as the real winning.  How is it possible to win when one surrenders?  It is to acknowledge the truth, you are not in control of life.  You did not create it, you were created by it.  Let’s start there first.  This is the beginning of humility.  Humility recognises a sense of oneness with life and loses a sense of self.  The selflessness is not having no opinions or sacrificing it is simply a recognition that the self is a egoic function that gives identity. It is meant to be in this life experience clearly as we move around separately.  Yet surrender, like peace is not a concept or a “thing” it is a state of being that transcends doing.  It is what I am now terming ‘reclining into Buddha’.  I feel that as accurate.  This means letting go of control as the real freedom.  It means flowing with something far more intelligent than the technology, intellectual posturing or planning.  This type of intelligence is organic, moulding, insightful but always moves towards harmony.  So what is harmony?  It is probably a more accurate term than peace.  Harmony harmonises it is a resonance field.  It can be conceptualised as two people learning about conflict and peace.  The first step is to put the hands together and push hard against to demonstrate resistance.  Both use their muscle, might and will to force the other off balance.  Then the wise teacher (or life) reveals that it is to allow the strength of the other to push you back and then for the other to allow you to push in their direction, suddenly war becomes a dance.  This is efficient as the least possible energy is used.  It is sustainable as it is not about creating imbalance (disruption) it is about flowing with the other.  This blog is an example of flowing with the police, the military, the government or anyone that is in resistance.  I could condemn violent acts and I could prove why violence is counterproductive to life on earth.  I could show pictures of the bloody corpses, I could prove civilian targeting and that there is no such thing as friendly fire. I could make the point that collaboration is really about interests and whilst there is tension it is really about controlling that collaborative tension which is not about the others interests but one’s own country.  I could find many many examples of why dominance threatens itself ultimately.  However, my feeling is to recline, to surrender to allow and speak to others as if my dear friend.  As my desire is to not control even the narrative (information, knowledge).  I do not seek an advantage or find a way to win the argument.  I realise that no-one can hear until they hear.  I remember the many people I’ve sought to teach about kindness, compassion, empathy and respect.  I saw they didn’t change one inch.  I realised they couldn’t hear as they were firmly fixed on being right.  They felt if they took on what I said they would be wrong and for them this becomes a loss of face, a failure, a weakness, a vulnerability when in truth it is expansion awaiting them as the story expands. In truth it is a portal to higher knowledge.  But who am I to say they should walk through that door?  Perhaps the door they move through is the right door for them.  We do not gain insights before our time.  The clash of ideas, cultures, perspectives, worldviews, righteousness etc is the dynamic in this life that inevitably opens to innovation, learning, growing and expanding in some direction.  So the point is I can’t know what is best for others, I can only express my own truth and for those interested, pick it up and contemplate on it.

I felt to share this out of love as for me Full Spectrum Allowance is my modus operandi.  This means I have to allow what is to unfold as it is.  I will still express my feeling right or wrong but I will do it with an intention of truth.  I will share because I love everyone.  It is really interesting I do feel this love for everyone on their path.  When I clowned I looked into the beautiful eyes of everyone and in this space I really could see, I saw nothing but beauty before me.  Even in those dishevelled on the street, or impassive or angry.  I seemed to be able to see them.  It taught me a lot about being happy and seeing through that prism.  What I realised is that we all have filters that come from education, family, friends, life, culture, personality, movies that shape us.  The fears are with us and they become the barriers to our highest potential.  We feel the world is unsafe.  We believe people are out to harm us.  My filter is the opposite I see people as safe (for the most part), I believe they are out to help when they feel safe and happy, I believe that life is ultimately happening as it should.  I am learning through my experience that it is to learn to let go and just allow it, have courage to follow my dreams and be visible as transparency means others can know where I am coming from.  They can decide what that means for them.  I’d rather tell it all then say nothing.  I feel safer exposed then in secret.  I am coming to peace with myself and I realise that being open is the key to experiencing peace.  I have come to see it is facing all fear with courage.  To not self censor.  I believe it is in trust that full potential actualises.  Full Spectrum Potential feels like potentialities, possibilities that open to creativity and innovation.  That is the state of being I feel that opens to that.  I don’t think you can train it or source it from the community to know it.  It is better to thine own self be true to understand fearlessness is not in frightening others but dealing with fears within oneself projected.

I will post my poem which was the reason this blog unfolded.  I just saw it and felt to start writing.  May you realise the power in circling the square.  My feeling is that the thinking has been box thinking, containment of a threat.  I feel the transformation is in the circling of the square, I feel this as a spiral of expansion that moves beyond limit theories. May the spectrum become a rainbow alliance, when unified I see the light of enlightenment in you.   May those seeking dominance realise their true freedom and enlightenment which is their true bounty.

May all find true peace and freedom on the journey home. Whatever choices you make, may you be happy.  I love you.

Hobbes: Squaring the Circle Or Circling the Square?

I was reading Thomas Hobbes the 17th century philosopher who wrote The Leviathan amongst many works. I found out tonight that he coined the term Squaring the Circle. Soon as I read it I realised I had written it in a poem. I was very curious what he meant by it. Apparently to square a circle with the same area is considered impossible. Sounds like Escher’s work or the way we think about the future. Tonight I was thinking of justice and truth sometimes it seems impossible, but maybe it is possible to square the circle through truth itself. When I first wrote the poem I called it circling the square but changed it. I think when the impossible becomes possible that is what is seen. It is to take off the hard edges, the rigidities of thinking I feel. Sometimes when you speak truth you don’t feel heard, you are met with silence. Somehow you have to trust that you are not alone in this aspiration.

I’ve just had an inspiration to return to the original title, circling the square.  This was reinforced by a conflict I experienced and wrote again in poetry the circling of the square as the true freedom.


There is no security in fear,
There is no control in force,
There is no punishment in stone walls,
For openness opens doors to awareness,
And empathy walks in the shoes of another,
For no person can ever deliver to meet your expectations,
Although to enjoy the sensations of life,
Is to accept the breeze as it blows,
And learn to flow with the moment,
For no two moments are the same,
And each is a gift in the game of life.

Is there a price to freedom?
Is there a defence in security?
Or is illusion the indefensible?
For nothing is funny when serious,
There are no jokes in suspicious eyes,
For when one sees the enemy in the eyes of the other,
This can only be seeing yourself in the mirror of conflicted feelings,
For how can one fight for the future,
As the gateway to opportunity,
In a losing battle.

The freshness of freedom of democracy,
Has no walls to truth,
No pillars form foundations,
For true strength is unseen,
Only the open space initiative,
Is the vista of mountains with range,
For statues no longer speak of status,
They are metaphoric reminders of values,
As humility and virtue is the status of liberty that is the hub but not the wheel,
Built on the notion of unity within diversity,
At the heart of true freedom is no ladder,
And freedom of speech is all languages,
The rights of individuals are the rights of all,
For surrender is acceptance of difference as uniqueness,
And the white flag is where all colours blend into oneness,
Flying high symbols of sacred geometry,
Envisaging a new world harmony,
Replacing the new world order,
as truth in reality.

WWII, Korea and Macarthur,
Embodied the fire of volatility,
The domination of minions,
Falls from heaven to find hell in resistance,
The 38th parallel crosses lines of control,
As assault cuts front lines as troops advance,
Success sees re-claiming foreign ground,
The common ground of war and politics,
Was never in separated states,
And this retains the dark fortress of false freedoms,
Totalitarian crushing defeat beckons no opposition as one dictates the terms,
Weeding out enemies from the forest floor,
As napalm defoliates those hiding under cover,
Yet the blood of my brother and sister is the same as mine,
As rivers of wine no longer intoxicate but drown our sorrows,
Of collective inhumanity of treason,
As the V in victory sinks reason as his story is the beginning of the end game.

Missing in action a thousand yard stare,
Reliving horrors in a sea of rigid corpses,
As an eye for an eye makes his world blind,
A Third World War looms larger than life,
Man’s confusion of dominance as freedom,
As the war hero’s immoral authority over shadows the humility of brotherly love.

If you want peace be peace
If you want freedom give it away,
If you want clarity speak truth,
If you seek unity then overcome divisions,
For blockades, checkpoints, exclusion and walls cannot divide and conquer the circle,
They simply lock your beliefs in the square,
For you become the prisoner of geometry,
That is not sacred but scared,
For fear was always false evidence appearing real,
War is the futility that knows not truth,
A solo bugle wails ‘lest we forget’ in vain,
That evil is in the eye of armed beholders,
The conscientious objector knows the climate has changed,
For there is no price as freedom is free,
To see the strings of the puppet move you,
When you square the circle,
Yet circling the square is a new beginning.


Mohandas Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
