NASA: The Earth from Space A Blueprint of Oneness

The footage below is from NASA using a time lapse view of Gaia or the planet earth. I nearly said our planet but my feeling is that we don’t own the planet, we are travellers in time and space onboard spaceship earth. We are still surface dwellers without full realisation of our part in this matrix of interconnected life.

It is interesting to watch the planet from this frame of reference as a rotating ball in space which is the home upon which we live and then see our life on the ground, our beliefs, our families, work and television and how it frames our reality in a self centred way, disconnecting us from this extraordinary ecosystem that protects us from harm and nurtures us to live the lives we live, quite unconsciously. Yet we are not protecting her, all that really says is that we don’t see the interconnection of ourselves with the planet. We are just blinded right now. Soon we will understand the importance of balance.

Watching the film inspired a poem.


Mother earth,
Is a mother ship,
orbiting the central sun,
across time and space.
As we spread our wings,
And fly over her magnificent sphere,
The atmosphere a thin ribbon belt,
Providing blanket coverage over all life,
As the mother keeping her child warm and safe,
An umbrella shielding all from harmful rays and strife,
Without fear or favour,
A universal global security blanket,
Protecting a theatre of life,
As a permeable membrane,
That sustains all life as part of herself.
She nourishes, shields, carries and upholds diversity,
As her body spins and rotates,
A 4 billion year old ancient alien created in spaces,
Encasing all life and races,
Supporting all to live a full life,
On purpose.

I feel the oneness of unity,
The unconditional love of all needs met,
The central sun cycling energy to power life grids,
A participant on the cosmic wheel,
That is not a sitcom or drama,
But simply plays out rhythms on time,
Pulsing songs as soundscapes for universal ears,
A living system of harmony and balance perfected over billions of years,
Where all parts are conscious of each other,
Playing their part to ensure balance,
Wild life knows physical boundaries,
Microorganisms recycle and reorganise,
Climate systems roll with the seasons,
Soils harvest new growth,
As all is calibrated to generate perpetual life force,
In seasonal motion mirroring the cosmic cycles,
Working in a harmonic symphony of sensing, feedbacks,
interconnection and genetic codes for natural selection,
As the sum of the parts is the whole,
There is no separation or opposition,
Each cycle unfolds new epochs,
Returning to the source,
As a planetary living force of true nature.

The planet harnesses a species system,
She breathes in and out,
On cosmic clouds of rhythm with vibrant blues,
Self regulating systems in geometric orbits,
Self determining communication that signals without domination,
Where free-dominion is not rebellion or control,
But a natural state of being responding and growing,
Hosted by a moving body that only seeks to serve all life,


A system living for the whole,
for the whole cannot live without a harmonious system,
for the missing link is the whole,
Therefore, when the whole is missing in the link,
Breakdown becomes imminent.

For mother earth is the blueprint of oneness,
She is the model for future human societies,
Living harmony as the true reality,
Of peace on earth.

Enjoy the film and feel the true beauty of our planet that already lives in unity. We are still learning what this truly means for our civilisation.

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