Enlightened Truth and Justice

Sometimes I just look at the news and the violence and it astounds me.  Sometimes it gets too much to watch.  I try to work for peace, yet this is mostly unpaid as it is not valued by society until unrest occurs.  I watch the same patterns play out, the same rhetoric and I am amazed it remains unquestioned as if pain and sorrow is the normal life.  Since I was a child I have known the great potential that lies within humanity.  I saw it within myself typing endless letters and in moments where I could, I wrote poetry.  For me those moments were the shards of light coming through the curtains of our shared darkness.  For me my potential came to remind me I was not a typist that I had much within myself.  Since those days I went to university, travelled the World and chose a life to benefit others.  To serve society has been the hardest job, the difficulty has always been to get people to open the door.  People won’t spend the money on peace education, or the barriers of beliefs prevent one from being able to open those doors, or the government prefers NGO’s, perhaps the bookings need to be a year in advance or you don’t say the right buzz words that sparks self interest.  When you work selflessly authenticity becomes critical, yet people are so busy making money or distracted.  Yet you hold this candle, this deeply held hope that someone will see the light.  That we are here to work together, to not harm anyone, to look beyond our own self interest into a shared community.  When that community functions as a team where all are viewed equal, then potential can rise up as nature intended.  Today we still see so much selfishness and ignorance, I just sit hoping that soon it changes.  In my heart I know it will.  As truth is true always, the truth I speak of is universal truth.  That is we are all equal, we are all love, we are cause and effect, we are the way and the truth.  As we embrace truths to be self evident, then it is possible to rebuild a great civilisation.  First we must look to see the truth, only then can we see and hear and awaken to what is.  It is so easy to become blind or compromised by other opinions, rather than staying with what is true and just.

So I send this out as my wish for truth and justice through enlightened leadership.  Tonight I send my love to the tormented people of Syria, the indigenous children suffering sexual abuse and their traumatised parents and those suffering silently who have experienced emotional abuse, those bullied and isolated in work settings and those who don’t feel they can go on and are contemplating suicide.   I hold my light to you and say keep speaking your truth to yourself and others, speak it clearly and honestly, someone with a kind heart will hear you.  Have faith in your darkness and learn from it.  Something good will come, you are not forgotten.

I send love.



Oh mankind,

Why so blind?

How did the heart become hardened to no longer feel another crying?

How did the ears no longer hear the truth?

The eyes choose to not see misdemeanours,

For it is hard to hear over ambition,

Over greed,

Over self interest,

For this is the crest of the wave that peaks,

For the highest tension is at breaking point,

As many are exhausted with suffering the lies,

Many are far out at sea on islands of tears.


Many who see are not heard,

They are seeking the solid ground of fairness,

Of community inclusion,

Of unity in diversity,

Of sanity that sees the other as a brother or sister,

For abuse was never meant to become the norm,

On the back of career progression,

To cover ones back and hide ones face,

As human values are buried in shallow graves,

Professional enclaves,

As money enslaves conscience.


For it is grave when a human life is considered worthless,

When clever argument camouflages the truth,

Behind stonewalls that divide and separate common ground,

The tarpaulin comes down over justice,

And conceals it as air tight,

So no light of inquiry can enter the fold,

As evidence is concealed behind shifting eyes,

So many no longer know what is right and dignified,

The blight of no role models invisible between the lines,

No calls for higher standards or enforced social codes,

Guiding behaviour to demonstrate what is civil,

To uphold responsibility under the luminous light of reason,

Courageously facing one’s true self in the mirror,

As reflection,

Evoking  integrity and just rights,

Re-sounding the gavel of justice,

That leads by honourable example,

As this would be the sample,

Of enlightened truth and justice.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“God has no religion”
