The Earth Will Reclaim its Genetic Inheritance

I went and heard a lecture the other day about Genetically Modified Organisms. I already have a clear feeling about this subject and do not desire to enter the debate. What I love about poetry is that as you flow with your own nature to seek truth, little pearls come up. To my surprise what I saw were scientists playing god and I found that amusing given the Creation versus Evolution argument. I see the exponents of GMOs the same as creationists, they are genetically altering and creating new varieties. They are creating the world in their image. The creationists are now more spiritual and you will find they are interested in evolution of the human species. So effectively they have swapped over, you become what you oppose. I think god has a sense of humour. I can see the poetry in that ha.

Another long poem, but I am free, not genetically modified yet. Enjoy the exploration of my World.


I travelled the World,
Before it is gone,
I wanted to see my planet,
Every country was my people,
Every part of this earth was a part of me,
I felt free when I returned to my true nature,
To see it is inseparable from the heart
of the One true life.

I awoke into a World,
Of cars, trains and aeroplanes,
Buses, networks, schools and work,
Hustle, bustle no time for another,
Whilst I was working hard,
Poetry would silently call me to write,
A new song,
For my heart to sing,
To bring music into this shallow routine,
That was endless, exhausting and boring,
Where I was used by industry to make profit,
Another commodity it seems,
For my needs, desires and talents were irrelevant,
I was paid to work not speak,
I had no right to be human.

To explore poetry was the freedom singing within me,
For in those few moments I was freed from bondage,
To explore the great expanse of my inner World,
Without censure,
My true nature beaconed me,
To free myself from the insanity,
For I realised I was to find the truth,
That set me free,
And this is the truth of my true nature
that is not for sale.

My World has been altered for hundreds of years,
Agrarian lifestyles replacing tribal nomadic lives,
Broad scale replacing self sufficiency,
Where once upon a time needs were met locally
and community was small and central to family,
Nature revolved around mythology, ceremony, communities and fate,
For we saw ourselves birthed from and dependent
on our true nature.

Industrialisation was the turning point,
Coal fired burning clogged the skies,
Smog and pollution choked the lungs,
Craft based skills were traded for rote jobs in the cities,
Subsistence transformed into employment,
Electricity, mining, production, competition and profits,
Linear thinking was automated and mechanistic,
As scientists and engineers planned the World with precision,
As this was the purpose of life for men,
Rather than as philosophers and mystics making higher decisions,
For the wisdom of ‘to know thyself and be true’ was carved into sculptures,
Without changing the self,
Yet children had to be raised to fit in with this system of separation,
Sent to schools to learn new ways to fit in,
That were unnatural,
The systems were unable to nurture, care, share or repair relationships,
They planted seeds for war as competition,
This was a man’s World and it was called progress.

As people were herded into jobs,
Working 9 to 5,
Minimum wages,
Classes were cages,
Progress was measured by profit,
As sharing turned to greed,
And poverty was unmet need,
Wisdom was recited by postulating elites,
Disconnected from the spiritual life,
In brothers and sisters we no longer keep,
To see all the World as a stage of actors playing roles,
And moving parts without feeling,
Hard lives of toil,
Was the good oil,
Reaching the great heights of civilisation?

Today I am not entering the debates,
Yet I will express my truth as I feel it,
As we separated from our World
We separated from each other,
Indeed the mother,
For we are the nature we alter,
I saw the nature as myself.

I flew over vast tundra, fiords, forests, rivers, plains, mountain ranges,
Snow capped, in drought or flooded,
Deserts, great lakes, cumulous clouds framed my experiential field,
I looked for cultivation,
I looked for pristine,
I saw vast forests as far as the eye could see,
My heart skipped a beat,
I imagined my World in its natural state,
Replacing the nation state,
And my heart filled with infinite joy.

The battle scars of human interventions are evident across the World,
It has been indeed a war against our wild nature,
Taming, subduing and suppression,
Of natures expression,
For control does not flow easily,
The endless bus-i-ness unable to smell the roses,
For they have no smell,
I see bright yellow fields of canola
Misfits against majestic mountains,
Unable to fit into our true nature.

Many are unable to just sit and feel the breeze and breathe deeply,
They are busy making money endlessly,
Thinking in continuous streams,
Why not look out the window and remember what we are losing,
Re-engineered with non regenerating seeds that are no longer free,
As freedom has been genetically modified by greed,
And trade de-coupled humanity from its true nature,
For it has been irrevocably changed,
By a scorched earth policy.

All this created in man’s image,
For indeed he desires to be the creator,
Yet evolution will be the decider,
For it was created to be functional, adaptable and sustainable.

Natural justice reads the crimes against nature:

• Heating the planet and disrupting the balance of natural regulatory systems,
• Harvesting, altering and disrupting the balance of biological systems,
• Warring, dominating, controlling and disrupting the balance of social systems,
• Polluting and disrupting the balance of water, soils and air.

As economic rationalism was found to be irrational and irresponsible,
De-coupled from unprofitable corporate SOCIAL responsibility,
Globalisation implanted a system driven by seeds of greed not need that shares equally,
As humanity is exponentially regressing on economies of scale never before seen,
Heading to a place we have never been,
Some call it Armageddon.

Our nature is exhausted,
Our people are exhausted,
When does the M.A.D. stop!
For this is Mutually Assured Destruction.

So I will not enter these debates,
For many seek to be right,
They are uninterested in truth,
For the juggernaut of industry,
Knows not its own reflection,
For there is no time to consider the next generation,
Short run profits are over the horizon radar,
Only the generation of power and energy is the focus,
And this is the blind horseman riding a blind horse
and heading for the abyss.

I can only watch with curiosity,
Allow the tower of cards to fall,
For surely it will as night follows day,
For humans are playing god,
And god does not roll dice,
Humans are gambling with the future and profiting,
As values are cast aside to be right,
For this is not a brave new world,
It is smoke and mirrors of self deception,
In an ending paradigm blinded in self righteousness based on articles of faith,
And we have seen where that story has taken humanity,
For only our true nature shares, cares, heals and reveals,
And this is the sacred seal
of a new earth rising.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“My life is my message.”
