The Beginning of Life Makes You Laugh




Life is an unknown quantity,

It twists, turns, evolves, dies

Every day opens to a billion variables of possibility,

A garden resplendent with colours, flavours and song,

For it is a mystery that cannot be contained,

It is a wish that cannot be restrained,

For as you close your eyes and let go,

You blow a thousand cotton seedlings,

Watching them scatter to the wind,

For wishes are infinite,

And you never know,

One might take root.


Our life can be moored on the ocean currents,

Some travel north,

Some travel south,

Some boats are buoyant,

Others leak,

Yet as they sway and clunk,

Rattle and ting,

The air currents fling,

Reminding us that our boat can be blown,

Into any port.


With that I toast you,

I offer you good tidings,

For I have been riding for a long time,

I have anchored in many harbours,

I’ve seen life from all angles,

To find only angels feathers fall across my path,

And I have to laugh,

For when I become serious I realise,

There is another sunrise and sunset,

And my life is only just beginning,

To see the greatness,

That is as good as gold.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“Only as high as I reach can I grow, only as far as I seek can I go, only as deep as I look can I see, only as much as I dream can I be.”
