Ian Lowe: Radical Solutions for Environmental Crisis

Professor Ian Lowe I’ve met on a few occasions and he is a leader here in Australia on Environmental issues. He has had a long career in this area and is currently the President of the Australian Conservation Foundation.

I feel the urgency in the book review. I would concur with that. I would add that we could solve all the issues we are facing immediately with sufficient will to do so. When facing crisis people either sink or swim. That is a choice. I would suggest look at your children and follow your heart. Change is upon us and it will be radical, as the times require it. If you find yourself in conflict with others, step back, allow others their opinions but do not dislike the person, accept each is where they are at and aware of what they choose to know. The values of the future will be shared, we will see ourselves in each other, we will develop community not as a imagined community but a real sense of belonging. We will listen and respect others and we will move from knowledge to awareness. Thus, the thinking mind to being which is in harmony with the natural system.

In your interactions with others go with the flow, just simply speak your truth with faith and respect and notice the mustard seed moving the mountain. You cannot change others, you can only change yourself. Be an example and lead the world.

Here is a review of Ian Lowe’s book ‘A Big Fix: A Radical Solutions For Australia’s Environmental Crisis’


‘If civilisation is to survive, this century will have to be a time of dramatic transformation, not just in technological capacity but also in our approach to the natural world – and each other. The road we are travelling now can only end in disaster.’ – Ian Lowe

The warnings from scientists are urgent and unequivocal: our civilisation is unwittingly stepping in front of an ecological lorry that is about to flatten us. We are using resources future generations will need, damaging environmental systems and compromising social stability by increasing the gap between rich and poor.

In short, we are eating up the future. Without a radical rethinking of the way we currently live, our society is doomed.

In A Big Fix, pre-eminent scientist and environmentalist Ian Lowe tackles this problem head on and offers far-reaching solutions to our environmental and social crisis.

He advocates a fundamental change to our values and social institutions and offers a vision of a healthier society – one that is humane, takes an eco-centric approach, adopts long-term thinking, uses our natural resources responsibly and is informed about the workings of our natural systems.

History has shown that human systems can change quickly and radically. We are a resilient, resourceful and highly adaptable species. Once we recognise the need for fundamental change – and act on it – an equitable and sustainable Australia can be within reach.

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Mohandas Gandhi

“If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.”
